Chess For Kids

chess for kids

Chess is possibly the most seen tabletop game - ever. It has been by and large revered and played across the world for a seriously lengthy timespan, and has stirred one of the most notable Netflix series' lately: The Queen's Gambit.

♟️Stepping onto the Battlefield: Your Ultimate Guide to Chess Tournaments | Chess for Kids 🏆

 🏇 Stepping onto the Battlefield: Your Ultimate Guide to Chess Tournaments 🏆

🎯 Introduction

Welcome, Chess Warriors! As a chess enthusiast, there's a high probability that you've dreamt about making your mark in a real chess tournament. Whether it's FIDE, AICF, State, District, or even Arena events, there's an adrenaline rush to stepping up, sitting down, and squaring off against a worthy adversary over the chequered battlefield.

Today, we're here to guide you through the world of chess tournaments, different types of competitions, their rating systems, and much more. So grab your virtual knight, hop on, and ride with us through this journey. 🏇

📚 Chess Tournaments - The Different Types

Before we venture further, let's understand the types of tournaments you can participate in. Each tournament category has a unique aura and challenges, so get ready to find your perfect match!

🌐 FIDE Tournaments

FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs) or World Chess Federation hosts international tournaments with participants from all corners of the world. These events are the epitome of chess mastery, often featuring the grandmasters of the game. FIDE tournaments follow universal rules and have a global rating system. It's where the big guns duel!

🇮🇳 AICF and National Tournaments

The All India Chess Federation (AICF) organizes national tournaments across India. These competitions often serve as gateways to international events. If you are in the U.S. or the U.K., look out for the US Chess Federation (USCF) and English Chess Federation (ECF) tournaments, respectively.

🏛️ State and District Tournaments

Closer to home, we have state and district-level tournaments. These events are stepping stones towards bigger platforms. Victories in these tournaments will raise your state and district ratings, paving the way to national recognition.

⚔️ Arena Tournaments

For the tech-savvy warriors who prefer the virtual battlefield, arena tournaments are online events where you can battle opponents across the globe right from your home!

Understanding Ratings and Rankings

In the world of chess, your prowess is often represented by a numerical value - your rating. FIDE, USCF, ECF, AICF, and many others use rating systems to rank players based on their performance against other players.

Here's a rough classification of ratings (for FIDE):

1200-1400: A player in this rating range is a beginner who knows the rules and basic strategy.

1400-1600: This player has developed an understanding of tactics, openings, endgames, and can start to recognize patterns.

1600-1800: These players have begun studying chess seriously and show a deeper understanding of strategy and tactics.

1800-2000: A strong club player who has the potential to become a candidate master.

2000-2200: This player has achieved the rank of a candidate master/expert.

2200-2300: This is the rating range of FIDE masters (FM).

2300-2400: Players in this range are usually International Masters (IM).

2400 and above: The grandmasters (GM) and potential world champions!

📅 Your Chess Tournament Calendar

Keeping track of the upcoming chess tournaments is now just a click away. Here's a curated list of upcoming events:

(Note: This table will be continuously updated as per the latest announcements by respective chess federations)

🎮 Digital Battlegrounds: Online Chess Platforms

The digital age has not just revolutionized how we communicate, shop, or entertain ourselves, but also how we play and learn chess. The comfort of your home can become the next chess battlefield as we dive into some popular online chess platforms.


Lichess is a free, open-source platform loved by chess enthusiasts around the globe. With a variety of game modes including blitz, bullet, classical, and correspondence games, and its own arena tournaments, Lichess is a complete package for anyone looking to play, learn, or compete.


No list of online chess platforms would be complete without This platform not only offers a wide spectrum of game modes and tournaments but also boasts a vast library of learning resources, making it an excellent platform for both novices and pros.

🌐 Global Chess League

Global Chess League is a wonderful platform that brings an exciting blend of traditional chess and the modern-day league format. It’s not just about individual skills but also about teamwork and strategy, making the tournaments even more intriguing.

🌐 ChessKid

Focused on making chess an enjoyable journey for kids, ChessKid offers a safe and engaging platform for young chess enthusiasts to learn, play, and grow. They organize several tournaments specifically designed for kids.

🌐 FIDE Online Arena

This is the official platform by FIDE for online chess. Here you can play rated games and even achieve official FIDE online ratings. They conduct numerous tournaments, including World Championship events.

📅 Your Digital Chess Tournament Calendar

In addition to the physical tournaments, there are numerous online tournaments happening across these platforms. Here's a curated list of some upcoming online events:

(Note: This table will be continuously updated as per the latest announcements by the respective platforms)

From traditional to online, there are tournaments available for every type of chess player out there. As chess enthusiasts, we are indeed living in exciting times!

🥇 Marching Forward

Now that you're armed with all this knowledge, it's time to make your move! Choose your tournament, start preparing, and remember - every master was once a beginner. So don't fret over initial losses. Instead, treat them as learning experiences.

In the words of the legendary chess Grandmaster Savielly Tartakower, "Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake." So stay focused, keep learning, and you're sure to taste victory soon.

Checkmate, and see you on the battlefield! 🚩


🏇 The Chessboard Chronicle: A Comprehensive Guide to Chess Clubs in India and Across the Globe | Chess for kids

The Chessboard Chronicle: A Comprehensive Guide to Chess Clubs in India and Across the Globe | Chess for kids

♟️🌐 Hello, Chess Enthusiasts! 🌞

Do you hear the sound of chess pieces moving across the board, the thrill of a perfectly executed gambit, or the triumph of declaring checkmate? If so, then you're at the right place! Whether you're a beginner trying to learn the ropes, an intermediate player wanting to improve your game, or a seasoned veteran seeking new challenges, chess clubs are the perfect place for you. In this exhaustive guide, we will traverse across India and the globe to provide a comprehensive list of chess clubs that you can join, both offline and online. 🏰🏃🕰️

In The Heart of India: Chess Clubs State-Wise 🇮🇳

Let's begin our journey in India, a country that has produced many chess grandmasters and where the game is deeply rooted in the culture.

State-wise, district-wise listing of chess clubs in India

Chess Associations

🚀 To the Ends of the Earth: Popular Global Chess Clubs 🌍

Now that we've covered the Indian chess scene, it's time to take a leap and look at some of the most popular chess clubs globally.

Remember, the real essence of chess is not just about winning, but also about learning and enjoying the game. It's about the strategies you devise, the blunders you make, the comebacks you stage, and the friendships you develop along the way.

So, get out there and start your chess journey! Checkmate! ♟️👑


The Art of Time and Tactics: An Exciting Bullet Chess Encounter: AFM vs. GM | Chess for kids

 The Art of Time and Tactics: An Exciting Bullet Chess Encounter: AFM vs. GM | Chess for Kids

The ancient game of chess, with its enduring appeal and mystique, has always been a fascinating stage where intellect, strategy, and tenacity collide. It is a complex dance of pieces and minds, a spectacle of deep thought and meticulous execution. However, when the speed of play is accelerated into bullet chess, the spectacle becomes even more intense and thrilling.

On June 1, 2023, a vivid example of this captivating high-speed drama unfolded on Two accomplished bullet chess players, AmoghPradeep (rated 2260) and GM Josmito (rated 2420), locked horns in a tense and fascinating duel. The stage was set for a battle that would illustrate the high-speed charm and ruthlessness of bullet chess, where every second is a potential game-changer.

The game kicked off with the Modern Defense: Two Knights Variation, Suttles Variation, a relatively uncommon and unorthodox defense that can lead to complex and intriguing middle-games. It's a system that requires a good understanding of pawn structures and piece coordination. Let's delve into this memorable encounter.

Opening Moves: Laying the Foundation

In chess, the opening is akin to laying the foundation for a building. A solid and thoughtful foundation can often lead to a more advantageous position in the middle game and potentially the endgame.

In this game, White begins with 1.e4, a classic opening move that stakes a claim in the center and allows for the rapid development of the queen and bishop. In response, Black opts for the Modern Defense with 1...g6. This allows Black to develop the kingside bishop along the longest diagonal of the board and indicates a hypermodern approach to control the center.

The opening moves were conducted at lightning speed, reflecting the fast and furious nature of bullet chess. White expanded in the center with pawns while Black fianchettoed their kingside bishop, a characteristic setup in the Modern Defense.

Early Mistakes and Missed Opportunities

The game continued with rapid piece development, the tension gradually building as both players battled for control over the center. Despite the speed, each player had to stay mindful of the traps and tactics inherent in the position. As World Chess Champion Alexander Alekhine once said, "Chess is not only knowledge and logic. It also involves a fight." And indeed, the fight was on.

On move 5, Black made the first error of the game, a small but potentially consequential one. Black decided to develop the light-squared bishop with 5...Bg4?!, an unusual choice that doesn't immediately threaten anything substantial. Instead, a queen's check with 5...Qb6 would have put more pressure on White's position, forcing the opponent to make decisions about their king safety.

The game carried on, with the players racing against the clock and making quick decisions on each move. Even as pieces were exchanged and threats neutralized, another drama was about to unfold.

On move 10, White, probably under time pressure, blundered with 10.d5??, a move that allowed Black an excellent opportunity to win material through 10...Bxc3, which would have led to a much better game for Black. However, bullet chess is an intense and relentless sport where it's easy to miss such golden opportunities, and that's exactly what happened. Black overlooked this opportunity and instead played 10...Ngf6??, a natural developing move but one that let White off the hook.

Middle Game: The Battle Heats Up

The middle game is often where the real battle in chess unfolds. It is here that plans are implemented, tactics are unleashed, and the slightest mistake can lead to a devastating loss. In this match, despite some mistakes and missed opportunities, the balance was maintained by both players as they navigated the tactical landscape with care and speed.

The players continued trading pieces and advancing their pawns, each trying to gain an advantage in the ensuing endgame. Both players made minor inaccuracies, but these were common in bullet chess, where time is an extremely valuable resource.

However, on move 28, another critical moment occurred. White, in a somewhat loose position, committed a significant error with 28.Rb1?. This move allowed Black to snatch a pawn with 28...Nxc4, creating a decisive material and positional advantage. As Russian Grandmaster Anatoly Karpov said, "Chess is a matter of delicate judgment, knowing when to punch and how to duck." Here, White failed to duck and Black delivered a punch.

Back and Forth: The Unpredictability of Bullet Chess

Bullet chess, as we mentioned, is a high-stakes, high-speed version of the classic game. Because of the time constraint, even the most proficient players can make errors.

Incredibly, Black reciprocated White's favor on move 38 with 38...Rxd5??. This allowed White to promote their pawn to a queen after 39.Rg8+ Kxg8 40.b8=Q+. This series of moves completely turned the tables. If Black had simply moved their king to f6, they would have been safe from the pawn promotion threat and would have likely secured the victory.

This pendulum swing of advantages in a bullet chess game can be a thrilling experience for the players and the spectators. As the legendary World Champion Garry Kasparov said, "Chess is mental torture." The high-speed nature of bullet chess can sometimes turn this mental battle into a roller coaster of emotions and fortunes.

The Thrilling Endgame and Conclusion

The endgame stage of a chess game is like the final act of a gripping drama, and in bullet chess, it's even more exciting. With both players low on time and trying to outmaneuver each other, the thrill reaches its peak.

This game was no different. Both players scrambled to play the best moves within their limited time, leading to a riveting climax. Finally, the game ended not with a checkmate but with a time forfeit, resulting in a victory for White.

This exciting match stands as a perfect illustration of bullet chess, a format where time pressure often leads to blunders even from seasoned players. It also highlighted the importance of capitalizing on your opponent's mistakes. Had either player exploited the blunders their opponent made, the outcome could have been different.

The thrill, tension, and swift execution of bullet chess encapsulate the essence of chess in a unique way. It compresses the drama of a long classical game into a matter of minutes, creating a high-speed spectacle of strategic brilliance, tactical mistakes, and quick thinking.

As acclaimed author and journalist Malcolm Gladwell said, "Chess is not a game of perfect. It's a game of reaction." In bullet chess, this is doubly true. It's about how swiftly and accurately you react to your opponent's moves within a fleeting time frame.

The encounter between AmoghPradeep and josmito will be remembered for its exhilarating twists and turns, its moments of brilliance and blunders, and the intense fight put up by both players until the very last second. It serves as a reminder that chess, in all its forms, remains an enthralling battle of minds and wills.

In the final analysis, it's important to remember that every chess game, whether it's a slow-paced classical game or a fast and furious bullet encounter, offers invaluable lessons about the game and life itself. In the words of the great Bobby Fischer, "Chess is life." And, just like life, it's crucial to stay alert, be ready to seize opportunities when they arise, and, most importantly, enjoy the ride. Happy gaming!

This detailed examination of the AmoghPradeep vs. josmito game has been an exploration of bullet chess strategy, tactics, and the drama that unfolds in every game. As we have seen, it's a thrilling variant that combines the deep strategy of chess with the exciting time pressure of speed games. Whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner, the world of bullet chess promises exhilarating moments and invaluable lessons in strategic thinking and decision-making. So, what are you waiting for? The clock is ticking. Get started and join the fast-paced world of bullet chess!

A Pawn's Triumph: Epic Faceoff with an AGM | Chess for kids

🎉👑 A Pawn's Triumph: Epic Faceoff with an AGM | Chess for kids 👑🎉

"Every chess master was once a beginner." - Irving Chernev

Chess, the royal game of kings and the kingly game of royals. Each battle on the 64 squares is a new saga, a new story - and in today's post, we are about to unravel one such epic saga. A tale of a young hopeful contender, Amogh Pradeep, taking on an Arena Grandmaster (AGM), Filipp Obolonin, in a thrilling encounter.

🚀 Chapter 1: Setting the Stage 🚀

It was June 28th, 2023, a day like any other. But on the digital landscape of WorldChess Gaming, a storm was brewing. Our protagonist, Amogh Pradeep, a young chess enthusiast from India, was up against a formidable opponent, Filipp Obolonin, an AGM from Russia.

Our game of focus falls under Bullet Chess, a format where each player has only 1 minute to make their moves. The thrill, the suspense, and the rapid-fire decision-making in bullet chess make it not just a game, but a roller-coaster ride of adrenaline.

In our game, Filipp opened with 1.g3, the King's Fianchetto Opening. It's a popular opening choice among many chess grandmasters, including the great Bobby Fischer. Fischer once said, "Chess demands total concentration and a love for the game." This opening indeed requires a deep understanding of the game, strategic planning, and a passion for turning the board to one's advantage.

👑 Chapter 2: Dancing with the Knights 👑

Both players showed an impressive understanding of piece development in the opening stage. Amogh responded to Filipp's King's Fianchetto with a bold f5, allowing the knight at g8 to develop. As the renowned Garry Kasparov once said, "Chess is a game of strategy and tactics. One must think long-term, but immediate concerns need attention as well."

As the knights danced across the board, a tension built up that was almost palpable. The struggle for control of the center was real and fierce. It was a game of titans, and both players played their roles to perfection.

⚔ Chapter 3: Conquering the Centre ⚔

Amogh's move d5 was a tactical decision that cemented his control over the centre. This was a masterstroke in line with Capablanca's wisdom, "To know when to attack, and when to defend, is the secret of being a great player."

However, Filipp, unfazed, responded swiftly with b3 and subsequent moves to maintain his foothold in the game. But the battleground was set, and the players were gearing up for the middle game – the phase where true champions make their mark.

💣 Chapter 4: Fireworks in the Middle Game 💣

The middle game was a sight to behold. Swift piece exchanges, daring attacks, and clever defenses were the order of the day. The move 16... g5 was a power play, setting off fireworks on the board. Both the kings had castled, and the rooks were brought into action.

The game saw a fantastic display of the prophetic words of Alexander Alekhine, who said, "The beauty of a move lies not in its appearance but in the thought behind it."

🏰 Chapter 5: The Battle Intensifies 🏰

By move 22, Filipp had successfully managed to take the Queens off the board. Now, the game was a strategic ballet between the remaining forces on the board, a dance as delicate as it was deadly. As the great Emanuel Lasker famously said, "On the chessboard, lies and hypocrisy do not survive long." The straightforwardness of the position demanded sheer skill and determination.

⛓️ Chapter 6: Chains of Steel ⛓️

Amogh's move 29... d3 was like hammering a nail into a beautiful chessboard, creating a pass pawn that was destined to become a significant pain for Filipp. Bobby Fischer once said, "A passed pawn increases in strength as the number of pieces on the board diminishes." And Amogh was ready to leverage this very principle.

🌪️ Chapter 7: The Storm Breaks 🌪️

Filipp's position became increasingly precarious, and Amogh turned the heat up with a powerful rook move 34... Rxb3, a storm that further destabilized Filipp's position. The match was heating up, and the whirlwinds of change were blowing across the board.

👑 Chapter 8: The Final Showdown 👑

And then, the moment of truth arrived. Filipp's king was left in a vulnerable position, and Amogh, the young warrior, seized the opportunity with a crushing pawn move, h5#. It was a checkmate that would reverberate through the ages - a humble pawn delivering the final blow, a glorious Pawn's Triumph!

🌟 Epilogue: A Pawn’s Triumph - The Unsung Hero 🌟

As we conclude our journey through this exhilarating game, we recall the words of Anatoly Karpov, "Chess is everything: art, science, and sport." And Amogh Pradeep has beautifully displayed each aspect through his immaculate game.

In chess, as in life, it's not always the most powerful piece that delivers the victory; sometimes, the humble pawn, when guided with wisdom and strategic foresight, can steal the show. Amogh's game against Filipp is a testament to this, a saga that will inspire and entertain chess lovers for generations to come.

Remember, every game of chess is like a new life, a unique story waiting to unfold on the 64 squares of the board. So, set your pieces, steady your mind, and get ready to write your own epic! 


Chess Scholarships: Paving the Path for the Next Chess Prodigies | Chess for kids

Chess Scholarships: Paving the Path for the Next Chess Prodigies | Chess for kids

“The pawns are the soul of chess.” – Francois Andre Danican Philidor

For centuries, the game of chess has continued to captivate millions of enthusiasts around the globe. It's not just a game; it's a way of life. The strategic moves, tactical brilliance, and psychological aspects of chess reflect the complexities of real-world situations, making it an exceptional learning tool.

Recognizing these attributes, various organizations across the world offer scholarships for talented young chess players. These scholarships are not only about providing financial assistance but are designed to cultivate the next generation of chess prodigies, fostering the spirit of the game and enhancing cognitive development.

This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive guide to chess scholarships: what they are, who they are for, and how to obtain them. With references to real-life cases and quotes from chess grandmasters, we will walk you through the path to winning a chess scholarship.

The Significance of Chess Scholarships

Boosting Chess Education

Chess scholarships often come with the opportunity to receive advanced chess training from some of the best coaches in the world. This unique educational experience enriches a student's understanding of the game, potentially giving them an edge in their chess career.

Empowering Students Financially

For many talented chess players, financial constraints can be a hurdle in pursuing their passion for the game. Chess scholarships can alleviate this burden by covering tuition, chess coaching, travel, and other related expenses.

Promoting Diversity in Chess

Many scholarships aim to foster diversity in the chess community by encouraging underrepresented groups, such as women or minorities, to pursue chess. These initiatives are not just about leveling the playing field but are aimed at making chess a universal game, transcending all boundaries of gender, race, or socio-economic status.

Notable Chess Scholarships

While numerous organizations offer chess scholarships, a few stand out due to their generous funding, prestige, and opportunities.

1. The Scholar Chess Player Award by US Chess Federation

The Scholar Chess Player Award is an initiative by the US Chess Federation that recognizes and encourages young chess players who exhibit extraordinary chess skills and maintain good academic standing[^1^].


Must be a USCF member in good standing.

Must be in high school, graduating senior or current college student.

Must show significant accomplishments in chess.

The recipient of the award receives a certificate and a $500 scholarship.

2. The Frank P. Samford, Jr. Chess Fellowship

The Samford Fellowship is one of the most prestigious chess scholarships in the United States. It provides financial support and chess training to exceptionally talented young American chess players[^2^].


Must be under 26 years old at the time of application.

Must demonstrate exceptional chess talent and achievement.

The fellowship grants $42,000 annually for two years and provides opportunities to study with top coaches.

3. The Dewain Barber Tournament of K-8 Champions Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to the winner of the Dewain Barber Tournament of K-8 Champions. It includes a four-year, $500 per year scholarship[^3^].


Must be the winner of the Dewain Barber Tournament of K-8 Champions.

4. Scholarships by University of Texas at Dallas

The University of Texas at Dallas offers generous scholarships to high-performing chess players who want to be part of the school’s top-ranking chess team[^4^].


Must be an incoming freshman or transfer student.

Must maintain a high GPA.

Must have a significant record of chess accomplishments.

The scholarships cover full-tuition fees and come with the opportunity to train and compete with the UTD chess team.

Tips to Secure a Chess Scholarship

1. Improve Your Chess Skills

While it may sound obvious, the first step towards securing a chess scholarship is to improve your chess skills. Participate in local, national, and international chess tournaments to hone your skills and gain exposure. Remember the words of Grandmaster Savielly Tartakower, "The mistakes are all there waiting to be made."

2. Maintain Your Academics

While chess prowess is important, don't neglect your academics. Many chess scholarships require students to maintain a good academic standing.

3. Network within the Chess Community

Networking is a crucial part of any scholarship application process. Attend chess clubs, join chess forums, and connect with other chess enthusiasts. This will not only help you improve your game but can also provide valuable insight into scholarship opportunities.

4. Craft an Effective Application

Your application is the first impression that the scholarship committee will have of you. Make sure it effectively showcases your chess achievements, passion for the game, and academic record.

5. Seek Guidance

Reach out to your chess coach or mentor for advice on the application process. They might have valuable insights and can guide you through the process.

6. Don't Be Afraid to Apply

As Anatoly Karpov, the 12th World Chess Champion, said, "If you wait for luck to turn up, life becomes very boring." So, don't wait for the "perfect" time or the "perfect" opportunity – take the initiative and apply.

Chess scholarships are a unique opportunity for young chess enthusiasts to take their passion for the game to new heights. So, whether you're the next Bobby Fischer or a chess hobbyist looking to improve your game, there's a scholarship out there for you. It's time to move your pawns and let them pave your path to success!


"The beauty of chess is it can be whatever you want it to be. It transcends language, age, race, religion, politics, gender, and socioeconomic background. Whatever your circumstances, anyone can enjoy a good fight to the death over the chessboard." – Simon Williams


List of some chess scholarships available for Indian students and global ones.

Scholarship NameProvided ByLocationDescription
Velammal Nexus Chess ScholarshipVelammal NexusIndiaA series of scholarships offered by Velammal Nexus to support budding chess players in India.
Rajasthan Chess ScholarshipGovernment of RajasthanIndiaA scholarship for residents of Rajasthan who have shown significant accomplishment in Chess.
OIL-Duliajan Meritorious Sports Persons Scholarship SchemeOil India LimitedIndiaChess is among the sports considered for this scholarship, which is awarded to talented athletes.
The Scholar Chess Player AwardUS Chess FederationUSARecognizes and encourages young chess players who exhibit extraordinary chess skills and maintain good academic standing.
Frank P. Samford, Jr. Chess FellowshipSamford FellowshipUSAProvides financial support and chess training to exceptionally talented young American chess players.
Dewain Barber Tournament of K-8 Champions ScholarshipUS Chess FederationUSAA scholarship awarded to the winner of the Dewain Barber Tournament of K-8 Champions.
Chess Scholarships by University of Texas at DallasUniversity of Texas at DallasUSAGenerous scholarships to high-performing chess players who want to be part of the school’s top-ranking chess team.
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Chess ScholarshipUniversity of Texas Rio Grande ValleyUSAFor international students with an exceptional history of competitive chess play who will be members of the UTRGV Chess Team.

Please note that the availability and requirements of these scholarships may change over time. Always check the respective official websites or contact the providing organizations for the most current information.

The Indian government and several non-profit organizations have numerous programs and scholarships to support chess players. Below are a few of them:

Sports Authority of India (SAI): SAI, under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, plays a significant role in promoting chess in India. While they do not offer direct scholarships, their support in organizing and funding chess tournaments provides a platform for young players to gain exposure and compete for prizes.

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL): BPCL, under its sports promotion policy, provides scholarships to promising players in various sports, including chess. They have a history of sponsoring players who have represented India at the international level.

ONGC: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) also extends support to sportspersons, including chess players, through its sports scholarship schemes.

Airports Authority of India (AAI): AAI, through its sports control board, supports chess players by providing sponsorships and conducting national-level tournaments.

Allahabad Bank: This public sector bank has a sports policy that includes chess. Promising chess players can receive financial assistance under this policy.

ChessBase India: ChessBase India, while primarily a chess news outlet and online store, regularly conducts tournaments with cash prizes. They also support promising players in their endeavors on occasion.

Various NGOs: There are several non-profit organizations in India that work towards promoting chess among young kids, especially in rural and underprivileged areas. These include Chess in Schools (CIS), ChessBase India Foundation, and others.

I would recommend reaching out to these organizations directly or visiting their official websites for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding any scholarships or financial support.

Please note that eligibility for these programs often depends on specific criteria such as age, chess rating, and more. Furthermore, most of these programs provide support in the form of sponsorship for tournament fees, travel, and accommodation, rather than direct scholarships. Nonetheless, they can significantly assist young and promising chess players in pursuing their passion.


^[^1^]: "Scholar-Chess Player Awards", US Chess Federation, Retrieved from

^[^2^]: "Samford Chess Fellowship", U.S. Chess Trust, Retrieved from

^[^3^]: "Dewain Barber Tournament of K-8 Champions", US Chess Federation, Retrieved from

^[^4^]: "Chess Scholarship", University of Texas at Dallas, Retrieved from


👑Desperado Moves in Chess: The Power of Unconventional Tactics 🌟 | Chess for kids

👑Desperado Moves in Chess: The Power of Unconventional Tactics🌟 | Chess for kids

"Know the self as the lord of the chariot, the body as the chariot itself, the discriminating intellect as the charioteer, and the mind as the reins." - Katha Upanishad

Like a charioteer controlling his chariot, a skilled chess player takes command of the chessboard, using their intellect and wit to drive their pieces. Such command becomes incredibly apparent when a player employs a desperado move. Such a move, daring and unconventional, might seem like a chess piece's last cry for impact before it falls. But within that audacious move often lies the key to turning the tide of the game.

🔵 The Desperado Phenomenon: What Is It?

In chess, a desperado move occurs when a player decides to use a piece that is definitely going to be captured, to create as much disturbance or gain as much material as possible before it is taken off the board. It's like the piece is on a kamikaze mission, causing havoc in the enemy's ranks before meeting its inevitable end.

Often, players employ the desperado tactic when they find themselves in a losing position, or when their piece is pinned and likely to be captured. In these scenarios, they look to maximize the impact of that piece, often leading to surprising results and occasionally turning the game in their favor.

♟️ Embracing The Unconventional

"Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make people happy." - Siegbert Tarrasch

Grandmaster Tarrasch's words perfectly encapsulate the essence of the desperado move. Chess is not just about winning or losing—it's about the joy of the game, the thrill of outwitting an opponent, and the satisfaction derived from a game well played. And sometimes, that involves making unexpected moves that throw an opponent off guard and disrupt their carefully planned strategy.

Much like the essence of jazz in music, the beauty of the desperado move in chess lies in its unpredictability and creative freedom. It’s a testament to a player’s ability to think outside of the conventional confines of the game, showing a flair for creativity and an audacious spirit.

👑 Desperado Moves: A New Layer of Strategy

Desperado moves add a new layer of strategy and depth to the game of chess. While on the surface they may seem like desperate attempts, they can often completely shift the balance of a match, creating opportunities for the player to regain lost ground or even snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

But understanding when and how to employ a desperado move takes practice and a deep understanding of the game. Chess is a game of strategy and tactics, requiring players to think several moves ahead. The most successful players are those who can adapt their strategies on the fly, responding to their opponent's moves in real time. This is where the true power of the desperado move comes into play - in its ability to disrupt the game's flow and put the opponent on the back foot.

🏆 Case Studies: Desperado Moves in Grandmaster Games

There have been many instances of the successful use of desperado moves in professional chess matches. Let's take a look at a few:

Garry Kasparov vs Veselin Topalov, Wijk aan Zee (1999) – Known as Kasparov's immortal game, Garry utilized the desperado tactic by sacrificing his knight on move 24 to pave the way for a series of powerful moves that left Topalov defenseless.

Bobby Fischer vs Boris Spassky, World Chess Championship (1972) – In Game 13 of their iconic match, Fischer executed a desperado move with his bishop on move 27. This unpredictable move led to a complex sequence of exchanges that eventually resulted in Fischer's victory.

Judit Polgar vs Vishwanathan Anand, Dos Hermanas (1999) - In this game, Polgar used a desperado tactic with her bishop on move 24, leading to a surprising endgame sequence and ultimately clinching the game.

By studying these games, players can learn how to effectively employ the desperado tactic in their own gameplay, adding another tool to their strategic arsenal.

💡 The Value of Unconventional Thinking

"You must take your opponent into a deep dark forest where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one." - Mikhail Tal

The wisdom in Grandmaster Tal's words embodies the value of unconventional thinking in chess. Like the charioteer in the Upanishad verse, a chess player must use their intellect to navigate the complex terrain of the game, manipulating the pieces on the board to create advantageous situations. Desperado moves are a prime example of this, where a seemingly losing position can turn into an opportunity for victory.

So, embrace the desperado within, play that unexpected move, stir up the game, and remember - chess is about the joy of playing, not just the end result. Unleash your creative spirit, explore the depth of strategy, and savor the thrill of this beautiful game. After all, as the famous quote by an unknown author goes, "In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate." 🌟

🌐 References:

Game links:

Garry Kasparov vs Veselin Topalov, Wijk aan Zee (1999)

Bobby Fischer vs Boris Spassky, World Chess Championship (1972)

Judit Polgar vs Vishwanathan Anand, Dos Hermanas (1999)

"Learn Chess: The Desperado Tactic",, Retrieved from

"Famous Chess Games: Kasparov's Immortal",, Retrieved from


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