Chess For Kids

chess for kids

Chess is possibly the most seen tabletop game - ever. It has been by and large revered and played across the world for a seriously lengthy timespan, and has stirred one of the most notable Netflix series' lately: The Queen's Gambit.

Showing posts with label Chess moves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess moves. Show all posts

Praggnanandhaa vs. Carlsen - A Historic Victory at Norway Chess 2024 | Chess for Kids

Praggnanandhaa vs. Carlsen - A Historic Victory at Norway Chess 2024

Hello, young chess enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into an exciting and historic game from the Norway Chess 2024 tournament. Our focus is on the brilliant match between R Praggnanandhaa, a young chess prodigy from India, and Magnus Carlsen, the world number one from Norway. This game is notable because it marks Praggnanandhaa’s first-ever classical win against Carlsen. Let’s break down this game move-by-move and understand the strategies that led to this remarkable victory!

Introduction to Norway Chess 2024

The 12th edition of the Norway Chess tournament is taking place in Stavanger from May 27 to June 7, 2024. This prestigious event features top grandmasters from around the world, including reigning world champions and emerging talents. The tournament is known for its innovative format, including classical games followed by Armageddon tiebreakers.

Move White (Praggnanandhaa) Black (Carlsen)
1 e4 c5
2 Nf3 e6
3 d4 cxd4
4 Nxd4 a6
5 Bd3 Qc7
6 O-O Nf6
7 Qe2 d6
8 c4 Nbd7
9 Nc3 Ne5
10 h3 b6
11 f4 Nxd3
12 Qxd3 Bb7
13 f5 Qd7
14 Bg5 Be7
15 Rad1 Rc8
16 Qe2 e5
17 Bxf6 Bxf6
18 Nc2 Qc6
19 Ne3 Bg5
20 Kh1 Bxe3
21 Qxe3 f6
22 b3 b5
23 Nd5 Qc5
24 Qf3 bxc4
25 Qh5+ Kf8
26 Rf3 Bxd5
27 Rxd5 Qb6
28 bxc4 Rxc4
29 Rdb3 Rb4
30 Rdd3 Rxb3
31 Rxb3 Qc7
32 Qd1 g6
33 Qb1 Qc5
34 Rb7 gxf5
35 Kh2 Rg8
36 Qb3 d5
37 Rxh7 1-0

Game Overview: Praggnanandhaa vs. Carlsen

Opening Moves

  1. e4 c5: Praggnanandhaa starts with 1.e4, a classic opening move aiming to control the center. Carlsen responds with 1...c5, the Sicilian Defense, known for its dynamic counterplay.

  2. Nf3 e6: Praggnanandhaa develops his knight to f3, targeting the central squares. Carlsen prepares for flexible development with 2...e6.

  3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6: Praggnanandhaa opens up the center with 3.d4. Carlsen captures and then plays 4...a6, preparing for a queenside expansion and preventing any knight moves to b5.

  4. Bd3 Qc7: Praggnanandhaa develops his bishop to a strong diagonal, and Carlsen places his queen on c7 to support the c5 square and keep an eye on the center.

  5. O-O Nf6: Praggnanandhaa castles for king safety, while Carlsen develops his knight to f6, targeting the central e4 pawn.

  6. Qe2 d6: Praggnanandhaa moves his queen to e2, preparing for potential central and kingside actions. Carlsen solidifies his pawn structure with 6...d6.

  7. c4 Nbd7: Praggnanandhaa advances his c-pawn to gain space on the queenside. Carlsen develops his knight to d7, supporting the e5 square.

  8. Nc3 Ne5: Praggnanandhaa continues developing his pieces harmoniously. Carlsen moves his knight to e5, aiming for an active position in the center.

  9. h3 b6: Praggnanandhaa plays 9.h3 to prevent any pins on his knight. Carlsen responds with 9...b6, preparing to develop his bishop to b7.

  10. f4 Nxd3 11. Qxd3 Bb7: Praggnanandhaa pushes his f-pawn to f4, gaining space and control. Carlsen captures on d3 and develops his bishop to b7.

  11. f5 Qd7: Praggnanandhaa pushes his f-pawn further, creating tension in the center and aiming to open lines. Carlsen retreats his queen to d7.

  12. Bg5 Be7: Praggnanandhaa develops his bishop to g5, pinning Carlsen's knight. Carlsen responds with 12...Be7, preparing to castle.

  13. Rad1 Rc8: Praggnanandhaa places his rook on the open d-file. Carlsen counteracts with 13...Rc8, aiming to contest the c-file.

  14. Qe2 e5: Praggnanandhaa moves his queen back to e2, foreseeing Carlsen's plans. Carlsen pushes 14...e5, challenging the center.

  15. Bxf6 Bxf6 16. Nc2 Qc6: Praggnanandhaa exchanges bishops on f6, doubling Carlsen's pawns and weakening his kingside. Carlsen centralizes his queen with 16...Qc6.

  16. Ne3 Bg5: Praggnanandhaa repositions his knight to e3, eyeing key squares. Carlsen develops his bishop to g5, attacking the knight.

  17. Kh1 Bxe3 19. Qxe3 f6: Praggnanandhaa moves his king to a safer position on h1. Carlsen captures the knight on e3, and Praggnanandhaa recaptures with the queen. Carlsen plays 19...f6 to fortify his position.

  18. b3 b5: Praggnanandhaa plays 20.b3, preparing for queenside expansion. Carlsen responds with 20...b5, countering Praggnanandhaa's plan.

  19. Nd5 Qc5: Praggnanandhaa jumps his knight to d5, a powerful central outpost. Carlsen retreats his queen to c5.

  20. Qf3 bxc4: Praggnanandhaa centralizes his queen to f3, increasing pressure. Carlsen captures on c4.

  21. Qh5+ Kf8: Praggnanandhaa delivers a check with 23.Qh5+. Carlsen moves his king to f8.

  22. Rf3 Bxd5: Praggnanandhaa places his rook on f3, aiming to double rooks. Carlsen captures the knight on d5.

  23. Rxd5 Qb6: Praggnanandhaa recaptures with the rook. Carlsen moves his queen to b6.

  24. bxc4 Rxc4: Praggnanandhaa captures with bxc4. Carlsen captures with his rook on c4.

  25. Rdb3 Rb4: Praggnanandhaa moves his rook to b3, planning to double on the b-file. Carlsen responds with 27...Rb4.

  26. Rdd3 Rxb3: Praggnanandhaa doubles rooks. Carlsen captures the rook on b3.

  27. Rxb3 Qc7: Praggnanandhaa recaptures. Carlsen moves his queen to c7.

  28. Qd1 g6: Praggnanandhaa centralizes his queen to d1, aiming to invade. Carlsen plays 30...g6.

  29. Qb1 Qc5: Praggnanandhaa places his queen on b1, pressuring the b-file. Carlsen retreats his queen to c5.

  30. Rb7 gxf5: Praggnanandhaa moves his rook to b7, attacking. Carlsen captures the pawn on f5.

  31. Kh2 Rg8: Praggnanandhaa steps his king to h2. Carlsen activates his rook to g8.

  32. Qb3 d5: Praggnanandhaa moves his queen to b3. Carlsen pushes his d-pawn.

  33. Rxh7 1-0: Praggnanandhaa captures on h7, leading Carlsen to resign as his position becomes indefensible.

Key Takeaways

  • Strategic Planning: Praggnanandhaa's strategic planning from the opening moves helped him gain a strong position. His decision to push the f-pawn and control the center was crucial.
  • Tactical Precision: The move 25.Qh5+ followed by 26.Rf3 showed Praggnanandhaa's tactical acumen, putting Carlsen in a difficult position.
  • Endgame Mastery: Praggnanandhaa's endgame play, especially with his queen and rook coordination, forced Carlsen into a losing position.


Praggnanandhaa's victory over Carlsen in this game is a testament to his rising talent and strategic depth. This game not only marks a significant milestone in his career but also showcases the exciting future of chess with young prodigies like him. Keep practicing and studying games like this to improve your chess skills, and who knows, maybe one day you'll be competing with the best in the world!


Checkmate in Style: Back Rank Mate Explored | Chess for Kids

Checkmate in Style: Back Rank Mate Explored | Chess for Kids


Every chess player, whether a budding chesskid or a seasoned grandmaster, knows that the heart of the game lies not just in the pieces, but in the strategies they execute. One such powerful chess tactic that has turned many games around is the Back Rank Mate. Today, we delve into this brilliant tactic, which has been a game-changer in countless matches, and could well be a key to unlock your potential as a chess prodigy.

As the legendary chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov once said, “Chess is mental torture, but it is a war over the board that ends up as art.” This art is vividly displayed in the Back Rank Mate.

Back Rank Mate - The Concept:

In chess, each piece moves in its unique way, with its own strengths and weaknesses. One of the most exciting endgames in chess is the Back Rank Mate. This is a chess tactic where the opponent's king, trapped by his own pieces, gets checkmated by a rook or queen along the back rank. To effectively employ the Back Rank Mate, it is crucial to understand its working and the strategic opportunities it presents.

Understanding the Back Rank Mate - A Detailed Explanation:

Mikhail Tal, the eighth World Chess Champion, famous for his aggressive playing style, once said, "You must take your opponent into a deep dark forest where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one." In the game of chess, understanding strategies like the Back Rank Mate is akin to navigating this deep, dark forest. It's about planning your moves, anticipating your opponent's responses, and striking when the time is right.

Empowering Young Minds to Master the Back Rank Mate:

Chess, much like life, isn't just about the strength of your pieces. It's about the power of your strategies. And what could be a more rewarding strategy than a beautifully executed Back Rank Mate? It's a tactic that teaches you patience, prediction, and the joy of well-planned victory.

Famous Games Featuring the Back Rank Mate:

In the history of chess, there have been several notable games where grandmasters have used the Back Rank Mate to turn the tide in their favor. Exploring these games can provide significant insights into the practical application of this tactic.


The Back Rank Mate is a powerful tactic, a jewel in the crown of chess strategies. It's a skill that can add depth to your game, providing a strategic advantage when leveraged correctly. The road to chess mastery lies in the understanding and effective execution of such strategies.

In the end, we all play chess for the joy it brings. Whether it's the thrill of a well-executed move or the satisfaction of learning a new strategy, chess is a journey of discovery, one move at a time.

Happy playing, and remember, in chess, as in life, it's always about the journey and not just the destination. 


Chess Tactics for Kids | Zwischenzug: The Sneaky Chess Move That Turns the Tables | Chess for Kids

 Chess Tactics for Kids | Zwischenzug: The Sneaky Chess Move That Turns the Tables | Chess for Kids

In the realm of chess, where battles are fought on a checkered battlefield, there exists a move that holds the power to change the course of destiny. Its name is Zwischenzug, a captivating and enigmatic maneuver that weaves tales of tactical brilliance and strategic cunning.

Imagine a chessboard locked in a fierce clash, where the balance of power teeters on a delicate precipice. In the midst of this intense struggle, a player unleashes Zwischenzug, a secret weapon hidden within their arsenal. Like a master illusionist, they defy expectations and seize control of the game's narrative.

Zwischenzug is a move of deception, a captivating dance of chess pieces. It emerges at unexpected moments, when the opponent least expects it. It is the art of striking when the iron is hot, exploiting the vulnerabilities that lurk beneath the surface. This audacious move catches the defender off guard, leaving them bewildered and vulnerable.

The very essence of Zwischenzug lies in its ability to turn the tables. It transforms a seemingly lost position into an opportunity for victory, leaving the opponent in a state of disbelief. With a single stroke, the chessboard is rearranged, the dynamics shifted, and the course of the battle forever altered.

To master Zwischenzug is to master the art of surprise. It requires an acute awareness of the game's nuances, a keen eye for hidden possibilities. It demands the courage to seize the moment and the vision to see beyond the obvious. As you delve into the depths of Zwischenzug, you unlock a world of untapped potential, a realm where miracles happen and underdogs rise.

Embrace the power of Zwischenzug, for it is the weapon that can turn the tide of any chess encounter. Dare to challenge the status quo, embrace the unexpected, and let the symphony of your moves bewitch your opponents. The stage is set, the pieces are in place. It's time to unleash Zwischenzug and witness the dramatic transformation that awaits.

Whether you're looking to improve your chess skills or just enjoy watching exciting gameplay, this video is sure to be a hit. So sit back, relax, and join Amogh Pradeep on this exciting chess journey.


Chess Tactics for Kids | Mastering Advanced Passed Pawns Tactics | Chess for Kids

 Chess Tactics for Kids | Mastering Advanced Passed Pawns Tactics | Chess for Kids

Chess Tactics for Kids | Mastering Advanced Passed Pawns Tactics: Unleash Your Chess Skills! | Chess for Kids

In the exciting world of chess, advanced passed pawns hold the key to victory. Discover the secrets of these powerful chess assets and take your game to new heights. In this captivating video, "Mastering Advanced Passed Pawns Tactics: Unleash Your Chess Skills!", we delve deep into the strategic intricacies of advanced passed pawns and how they can give you a decisive edge over your opponents.

Unlock the potential of advanced passed pawns as we explore various scenarios and learn how to effectively advance them down the chessboard. From understanding the ideal positions for passed pawns to exploiting weak enemy defenses, this video provides you with the knowledge and strategies needed to make the most of these formidable chess pieces.

Learn the art of pawn promotion and discover how to convert an advanced passed pawn into a queen or other valuable pieces. Delve into advanced tactical maneuvers such as pawn breaks, pawn sacrifices, and zugzwang to outmaneuver your opponents and secure victory. Witness thrilling real-life game examples showcasing the immense power of advanced passed pawns and gain insights into the minds of chess champions.

With comprehensive explanations, practical tips, and expert analysis, "Mastering Advanced Passed Pawns Tactics: Unleash Your Chess Skills!" is a must-watch for chess enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels. Enhance your strategic thinking, improve your endgame prowess, and elevate your overall chess performance.

Are you ready to take your chess skills to the next level? Join us on this exhilarating journey of mastering advanced passed pawns tactics and become a force to be reckoned with on the chessboard. Subscribe to Chess for Kids channel now and prepare to unleash your full chess potential!

Remember, victory awaits those who possess the knowledge and skills to harness the power of advanced passed pawns. Don't miss out on this transformative learning experience – watch "Mastering Advanced Passed Pawns Tactics: Unleash Your Chess Skills!" today!

Whether you're looking to improve your chess skills or just enjoy watching exciting gameplay, this video is sure to be a hit. So sit back, relax, and join Amogh Pradeep on this exciting chess journey.

Whether you're looking to improve your chess skills or just enjoy watching exciting gameplay, this video is sure to be a hit. So sit back, relax, and join Amogh Pradeep on this exciting chess journey.


Chess Tactics for Kids | Mastering Tactical Brilliance in Chess | Chess for Kids

Chess Tactics for Kids | Capture the Defender: Mastering Tactical Brilliance in Chess | Chess for Kids

In the world of chess, there is a powerful and captivating move that holds the key to tactical brilliance: "Capture the Defender." It is a mesmerizing concept that unleashes a symphony of strategic maneuvers, captivating players and spectators alike. Brace yourself for an epic journey as we delve into the depths of this tactical masterpiece. Imagine a battlefield where the pieces dance with purpose and precision. Every move is laden with anticipation, every capture a step towards victory. "Capture the Defender" is the ultimate weapon, a technique that involves sacrificing one piece to eliminate a critical defender, paving the way for a triumphant assault. With each calculated capture, the chessboard becomes a stage for epic encounters. The defender stands valiantly, shielding their comrades from imminent danger. But the master tactician, armed with unwavering determination, strikes with precision. The captured defender crumbles, leaving a void that shatters the opponent's defense. The crowd gasps in awe as the game unfolds, witnessing the sheer brilliance of "Capture the Defender." It is a move that demands bravery, insight, and a touch of genius. It is a testament to the power of sacrifice and the art of deception. With every captured defender, the balance of power tilts, revealing new opportunities and opening pathways to victory. Join us on this exhilarating journey as we unlock the secrets of tactical brilliance in chess. Learn to orchestrate masterful maneuvers, dismantle defenses, and seize your path to triumph. "Capture the Defender" is not just a move; it is an embodiment of strategic mastery, a testament to the indomitable spirit of chess. Are you ready to embark on this epic quest, to wield the power of tactical brilliance? Prepare yourself for a riveting adventure as we delve into the heart of the game, exploring the intricacies of "Capture the Defender" and unraveling the secrets of chess warfare. The battlefield awaits, and victory is within your grasp. Let the games begin! Whether you're looking to improve your chess skills or just enjoy watching exciting gameplay, this video is sure to be a hit. So sit back, relax, and join Amogh Pradeep on this exciting chess journey.

Chess for Kids | Chess Rook: Master the game's most versatile piece

 Chess Rook: Master the game's most versatile piece

Unleash the power of the Chess Rook and dominate the board! Learn its mighty moves and become a chess champion today with our channel! 

Once upon a time, in a land of knights and castles, there stood a strong and mighty chess Rook. It was one of the most powerful pieces on the chessboard and it had a very important role to play. 

The Rook knew that its main strength is its ability to move horizontally and vertically, covering a lot of squares on the board. It practiced moving back and forth, up and down, and soon it became a master of these moves. 

But the Rook also knew that it had to learn how to work together with the other pieces. It learned how to protect the king and queen, by standing guard and blocking any attacks from the opponent's pieces. 

As it grew stronger, the Rook also learned how to capture other pieces by moving horizontally and vertically. It practiced this move and soon it was able to capture any piece that came in its way. 

The Rook knew that its ultimate goal is to control the center of the board, where it can have the most impact on the game. It practiced all its moves and soon it was able to control the center and dominate the game. 

And so, the Rook's determination and hard work had helped it become one of the most powerful pieces on the chessboard. And it's the same for anyone who wants to play chess, with hard work and determination, you can do anything. Grab a chess board and let's start playing together. And remember, every piece, big or small, has its own special moves, and by learning them all you can become a powerful chess player.


Chess for Kids | Rise to the Top with the Chess Queen - Learn How to Play and Win Today!


Rise to the Top with the Chess Queen - Learn How to Play and Win Today!

Once upon a time, in a land of castles and kings, there lived a powerful chess piece called the Queen. She was the most important piece on the board, and her job was to protect the King and defeat the enemy's pieces.

The Queen had many moves and could move in many different ways. She could move in any direction, forward, backward, and side to side. She could also move diagonally. She could move one space or many spaces at a time.

One day, the Queen was challenged by the enemy's Rook. The Rook could only move in straight lines, forward, backward and side to side, but not diagonally. The Queen knew this and used her many moves to defeat the Rook.

The Queen also had to watch out for the enemy's Bishop. The Bishop could only move diagonally, but the Queen was able to defeat him too by using her many moves.

The Queen was also able to defeat the enemy's Knight. The Knight had a special move, it could jump over other pieces. But the Queen was able to predict the Knight's move and defeat him.

With her many moves and strategic thinking, the Queen was able to defeat the enemy and protect the King. The King was very grateful and declared the Queen as the most powerful piece on the chess board.

And that's how the Queen, with her many moves, can defeat the enemy and protect the king. Now it's your turn to learn how to play like a queen. Watch our chess channel for kids and learn the moves of the queen and become a chess prodigy in no time!

Attention all aspiring chess players! Are you ready to take your game to the next level? Look no further than our chess channel for kids, where you'll learn all about the powerful chess Queen and how to use her to dominate the board. 

Our fun and interactive videos make learning easy and enjoyable, and with our expert tips and strategies, you'll be on your way to becoming a chess prodigy in no time. Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your brainpower and become a master of the game. Sign up now and let's begin our journey to chess greatness together!


Chess for Kids | Unlock the Secrets of the Chess Bishop

 Unlock the Secrets of the Chess Bishop

Once upon a time, in a land of knights and castles, there stood a wise and cunning chess Bishop. It was one of the most versatile pieces on the chessboard and it had an important role to play. 

The Bishop knew that its main strength is its ability to move diagonally across the board. It practiced moving back and forth, left and right, and soon it became a master of these moves. 

But the Bishop also knew that it had to learn how to work together with the other pieces. It learned how to protect the king and queen, by standing guard and blocking any attacks from the opponent's pieces from the diagonal. 

As it grew stronger, the Bishop also learned how to capture other pieces by moving diagonally. It practiced this move and soon it was able to capture any piece that came in its way. 

The Bishop knew that its ultimate goal is to control the entire diagonal line on the board, where it can have the most impact on the game. It practiced all its moves and soon it was able to control the diagonal lines and dominate the game.


Chess for Kids | Rule the Chessboard with the King

 Rule the Chessboard with the King

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, there lived a powerful chess piece known as the King. The King was the most important piece on the chess board, as the game could not be won without him. But the King was also the most vulnerable piece, as he could only move one square in any direction.

Despite his limitations, the King was a fierce competitor and a master strategist. He knew how to protect his fellow chess pieces and how to outsmart his opponents. He was always one step ahead, keeping an eye on the enemy's every move. 

The King's most trusted companion was his Queen. Together, they formed the ultimate chess duo, working together to defeat their opponents and claim victory. The King and Queen were a force to be reckoned with, and their opponents trembled at the mere sight of them. 

But the King's power was not just limited to the chess board. He was also a wise and just ruler, always looking out for the best interests of his kingdom. He was loved and respected by all his subjects, and his kingdom thrived under his rule. 

Join us on our channel and learn how to become a chess prodigy just like the King. Learn all the moves, strategies and tactics to become a chess champion. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest videos. Make sure to share this video with your friends and family who love chess or want to learn it. Let's make this video go viral and spread the love of chess!


Chess for Kids | Knight's Move: Chess Mastery for Kids

 Knight's Move: Chess Mastery for Kids

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom filled with chess pieces, there was a brave and powerful Knight. The Knight was known for his courage and bravery on the chessboard, and all the other pieces looked up to him. He was always ready to defend his King and Queen, and attack the enemy's pieces with his sharp moves. 

One day, the Knight set out on an adventure to learn all the different moves he could make on the chessboard. He traveled across the board, leaping over other pieces and making daring attacks. He learned how to move in an L-shape and how to protect his fellow pieces. 

As he journeyed, he met other chess pieces and made new friends. He taught them his moves and they taught him theirs. Together, they formed a powerful team and defeated many opponents. 

Finally, the Knight returned home to the kingdom, where he shared his new knowledge with the other pieces. They were amazed at all he had learned and they all became better players because of it. 

And so, the Knight's journey teaches us that with practice and determination, we can become chess masters too. Join our chess channel for kids and embark on your own chess adventure! Learn the powerful moves of the Knight and become a chess prodigy in no time.


Practice Tactics

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