Chess For Kids

chess for kids

Chess is possibly the most seen tabletop game - ever. It has been by and large revered and played across the world for a seriously lengthy timespan, and has stirred one of the most notable Netflix series' lately: The Queen's Gambit.

Showing posts with label Lichess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lichess. Show all posts

How to Defeat Bots in Lichess: A Comprehensive Strategy Guide | Chess for Kids

Defeating Bots in Lichess: A Comprehensive Strategy Guide 

The world of online chess is dynamic, challenging, and rewarding. Whether you're an aspiring grandmaster or a casual player, one common hurdle you might encounter is facing off against chess bots. These AI opponents have become increasingly sophisticated, making it essential to develop a strategy to overcome them.

In this guide, we'll delve into the art of defeating bots on Lichess, one of the most popular online chess platforms. We'll explore strategic insights, tactical approaches, and practical tips to help you improve your performance and elevate your chess game.

Understanding the Lichess Bot Landscape

Before diving into the strategies, it's crucial to understand the diversity of bots on Lichess. Bots vary in playing strength, style, and algorithms. Some bots are designed for practice and learning, while others aim to challenge even the most seasoned players. Familiarize yourself with the types of bots you may encounter:

Beginner Bots: These bots are ideal for newcomers, offering gentle opposition and an opportunity to learn without overwhelming complexity.

Intermediate Bots: As you progress, intermediate bots provide a good challenge. They often have defined playing styles, such as aggressive or defensive.

Advanced Bots: Advanced bots are formidable opponents. They employ complex strategies and are designed to test your skills thoroughly.

Crafting a Winning Strategy

Now, let's explore strategies to defeat bots effectively:

1. Analyze Your Opponent: Begin by understanding your bot opponent's style. Is it aggressive or defensive? Does it prefer openings with particular pawn structures? Analyzing its tendencies will give you a significant advantage.

2. Control the Center: The center of the board is your battleground. Occupy it with your pawns and pieces, denying the bot the same space. This control restricts your opponent's movements and opens up opportunities for attacks.

3. Develop Your Pieces: Efficient piece development is a hallmark of strong chess play. Knights and bishops should be brought into the game early, and rooks and queens should be connected on open files.

4. King Safety: Ensure the safety of your king by castling early. Avoid moving the pawns in front of your king, as this weakens your defenses.

5. Tactics and Combinations: Look for tactical opportunities like pins, forks, skewers, and discovered attacks. Bots are susceptible to tactical blunders, so capitalize on them.

6. Endgame Mastery: Study endgames, especially when playing against bots that are strong in the late game. Learn techniques like king and pawn endings, opposition, and converting material advantages.

7. Consistency: Play with a consistent style and adhere to your plan. Bots may exploit erratic play, so stick to your strategy.

Setting Clear Goals

As you embark on your journey to defeat bots on Lichess, it's essential to set clear goals:

1. Learning: Use bot games as opportunities to learn and experiment with new strategies. Analyze your games to identify areas for improvement.

2. Rating Improvement: Aim for gradual rating improvement. Consistently challenging bots slightly stronger than your current rating can help you grow as a player.

3. Achieving Milestones: Set specific milestones, such as reaching a particular rating threshold or mastering specific openings.

4. Enjoyment: Remember, the primary goal is to have fun and enjoy the game. Winning is satisfying, but the joy of playing chess should always be at the forefront.


Defeating bots on Lichess is not just about winning; it's about honing your skills, learning, and enjoying the game. As you apply the strategies mentioned here and set achievable goals, you'll find yourself becoming a stronger and more confident chess player. Keep in mind that every game, whether won or lost, contributes to your growth as a chess enthusiast. So, embrace the challenge, persevere, and continue to evolve as a player. May your journey in the world of online chess be filled with excitement and success!


How I went lichess puzzle rating 2015 to 2318 | Chess for kids

Hello everyone I am AFM Amogh Pradeep. Today I going to tell a story about how I got puzzle.

Rating from 2015 to 2318.

It  was one night I was practicing puzzles suddenly my rating was going down but I didn't let my courage down and I was trying hard  and suddenly my rating went up like 2050, then 2100, 2200 and finally I  reached puzzle rating 2318.

In 120 puzzles I got 81 wins and 39 losses.

If you are thinking that you are losing keep trying. Thank you bye.

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♟️Stepping onto the Battlefield: Your Ultimate Guide to Chess Tournaments | Chess for Kids 🏆

 🏇 Stepping onto the Battlefield: Your Ultimate Guide to Chess Tournaments 🏆

🎯 Introduction

Welcome, Chess Warriors! As a chess enthusiast, there's a high probability that you've dreamt about making your mark in a real chess tournament. Whether it's FIDE, AICF, State, District, or even Arena events, there's an adrenaline rush to stepping up, sitting down, and squaring off against a worthy adversary over the chequered battlefield.

Today, we're here to guide you through the world of chess tournaments, different types of competitions, their rating systems, and much more. So grab your virtual knight, hop on, and ride with us through this journey. 🏇

📚 Chess Tournaments - The Different Types

Before we venture further, let's understand the types of tournaments you can participate in. Each tournament category has a unique aura and challenges, so get ready to find your perfect match!

🌐 FIDE Tournaments

FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs) or World Chess Federation hosts international tournaments with participants from all corners of the world. These events are the epitome of chess mastery, often featuring the grandmasters of the game. FIDE tournaments follow universal rules and have a global rating system. It's where the big guns duel!

🇮🇳 AICF and National Tournaments

The All India Chess Federation (AICF) organizes national tournaments across India. These competitions often serve as gateways to international events. If you are in the U.S. or the U.K., look out for the US Chess Federation (USCF) and English Chess Federation (ECF) tournaments, respectively.

🏛️ State and District Tournaments

Closer to home, we have state and district-level tournaments. These events are stepping stones towards bigger platforms. Victories in these tournaments will raise your state and district ratings, paving the way to national recognition.

⚔️ Arena Tournaments

For the tech-savvy warriors who prefer the virtual battlefield, arena tournaments are online events where you can battle opponents across the globe right from your home!

Understanding Ratings and Rankings

In the world of chess, your prowess is often represented by a numerical value - your rating. FIDE, USCF, ECF, AICF, and many others use rating systems to rank players based on their performance against other players.

Here's a rough classification of ratings (for FIDE):

1200-1400: A player in this rating range is a beginner who knows the rules and basic strategy.

1400-1600: This player has developed an understanding of tactics, openings, endgames, and can start to recognize patterns.

1600-1800: These players have begun studying chess seriously and show a deeper understanding of strategy and tactics.

1800-2000: A strong club player who has the potential to become a candidate master.

2000-2200: This player has achieved the rank of a candidate master/expert.

2200-2300: This is the rating range of FIDE masters (FM).

2300-2400: Players in this range are usually International Masters (IM).

2400 and above: The grandmasters (GM) and potential world champions!

📅 Your Chess Tournament Calendar

Keeping track of the upcoming chess tournaments is now just a click away. Here's a curated list of upcoming events:

(Note: This table will be continuously updated as per the latest announcements by respective chess federations)

🎮 Digital Battlegrounds: Online Chess Platforms

The digital age has not just revolutionized how we communicate, shop, or entertain ourselves, but also how we play and learn chess. The comfort of your home can become the next chess battlefield as we dive into some popular online chess platforms.


Lichess is a free, open-source platform loved by chess enthusiasts around the globe. With a variety of game modes including blitz, bullet, classical, and correspondence games, and its own arena tournaments, Lichess is a complete package for anyone looking to play, learn, or compete.


No list of online chess platforms would be complete without This platform not only offers a wide spectrum of game modes and tournaments but also boasts a vast library of learning resources, making it an excellent platform for both novices and pros.

🌐 Global Chess League

Global Chess League is a wonderful platform that brings an exciting blend of traditional chess and the modern-day league format. It’s not just about individual skills but also about teamwork and strategy, making the tournaments even more intriguing.

🌐 ChessKid

Focused on making chess an enjoyable journey for kids, ChessKid offers a safe and engaging platform for young chess enthusiasts to learn, play, and grow. They organize several tournaments specifically designed for kids.

🌐 FIDE Online Arena

This is the official platform by FIDE for online chess. Here you can play rated games and even achieve official FIDE online ratings. They conduct numerous tournaments, including World Championship events.

📅 Your Digital Chess Tournament Calendar

In addition to the physical tournaments, there are numerous online tournaments happening across these platforms. Here's a curated list of some upcoming online events:

(Note: This table will be continuously updated as per the latest announcements by the respective platforms)

From traditional to online, there are tournaments available for every type of chess player out there. As chess enthusiasts, we are indeed living in exciting times!

🥇 Marching Forward

Now that you're armed with all this knowledge, it's time to make your move! Choose your tournament, start preparing, and remember - every master was once a beginner. So don't fret over initial losses. Instead, treat them as learning experiences.

In the words of the legendary chess Grandmaster Savielly Tartakower, "Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake." So stay focused, keep learning, and you're sure to taste victory soon.

Checkmate, and see you on the battlefield! 🚩


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