Chess For Kids

chess for kids

Chess is possibly the most seen tabletop game - ever. It has been by and large revered and played across the world for a seriously lengthy timespan, and has stirred one of the most notable Netflix series' lately: The Queen's Gambit.

The Unexplored Power of Chess: A Child's Gateway to Intelligence, Strategy, and Success | Chess for kids

 The Unexplored Power of Chess: A Child's Gateway to Intelligence, Strategy, and Success | Chess for kids

Chess is a beautiful mistress.”- Larsen

The power of chess often goes unnoticed. This strategic game, played on a 64 square board, may seem simple to the uninitiated. However, as the well-known Danish Grandmaster Bent Larsen eloquently stated, chess is a beguiling entity, demanding yet giving in equal measures. And its allure does not simply lie in its intellectual appeal, but in the multitude of benefits it offers, especially to children.

Research has repeatedly pointed out how children who play chess develop a range of skills, from problem-solving and abstract reasoning to calmness under pressure and patience 1. The Armenian government has even incorporated chess into their national education curriculum, with children as young as six learning this illustrious game 2. This decision is not merely born out of cultural pride; it is a calculated move based on the tangible academic and developmental benefits chess has demonstrated.

Viswanathan Anand as a kid

This article aims to bring into the limelight the diverse benefits of playing chess and the reason why we should encourage our kids to pick up the game early in their lives.

Developing Critical Thinking Skills through Chess

Chess, at its core, is about strategy and decision-making. Each move demands careful analysis, forward-thinking, and consideration of the potential consequences. This unique combination of skills goes beyond the chessboard and permeates the players' daily lives, improving their critical thinking skills and making them better problem solvers.

Problem-Solving: Chess is essentially a game of problem-solving, where players continually decipher the optimal moves in a rapidly evolving situation. It provides an excellent platform for kids to hone their problem-solving abilities, thereby significantly improving their decision-making capabilities. This is not just speculation. A study found that school-aged children who participated in chess instruction over a week-long period significantly improved their problem-solving abilities 1.

Anatoly Karpov, Jose Raul Capablanca, Magnus Carlsen, Viswanathan Anand as kids

Abstract Reasoning: Chess helps improve abstract reasoning by enabling kids to recognize patterns and develop strategies based on those patterns. This ability extends beyond the chessboard, helping children become better at identifying patterns in other areas of their lives as well, whether in academics or everyday situations.

Calmness Under Pressure: The timed games of chess teach children to think on their feet, make informed decisions under pressure, and remain calm in stressful situations. These are valuable life skills that can be applied in various real-life scenarios.

Patience: Chess demands careful calculation and execution of moves. Hasty decisions can lead to losses, teaching children the importance of patience and thoughtful deliberation.

Sportsmanship: As in any game, there are wins and losses in chess. This constant cycle helps children become more sportsmanlike, teaching them to handle victories and losses with grace.

Creative Thinking: Chess requires players to be creative thinkers, imagining the possible outcomes of each move and quickly devising new strategies on the fly. This habit of creative problem solving translates to other areas of life, making children better problem solvers.

Pattern Recognition: Recognizing and responding to patterns is a critical skill in chess. This involves not just understanding the different move patterns each chess piece is capable of but also recognizing the potential consequences of each available move and making the right decision based on the current board state.

Strategic Thinking: Strategic thinking is the synthesis of all the above skills. As children learn chess, they develop strategic thinking abilities, learning to combine problem solving, pattern recognition, and creative thinking to make informed decisions on the chessboard.

Viswanathan Anand as kid

Chess and Academic Performance

The impact of chess extends beyond personal skills and character development. It also has a significant effect on academic performance. A two-year study in the US found that learning chess improved reading test scores and reading performance in elementary schools 2. Chess has even been linked to increased IQ scores, enhanced memory, and fostered creative thinking 2.

Playing chess does not discriminate between academically-minded and others. In fact, it serves as an inclusive activity that can be played at varying standards. Chess allows students of all backgrounds and abilities to develop skills and compete on a level playing field, fostering equity in learning.

Chess: A Universal Game

Chess's beauty lies in its universality. A four-year-old can play a centenarian, a physically impaired person can compete with a top-class athlete. The game brings people of all walks of life together, promoting an environment of shared learning and skill development.

A Tool for Future Success

Learning chess is not just about mastering the moves; it's about developing valuable life skills that set children up for future success. By fostering critical thinking, strategic planning, problem-solving, and patience, chess equips children with the tools they need to succeed in academia and beyond.

With the evidence at hand, it becomes clear why we should encourage our children to play chess. It's not just a game; it's a tool for intellectual and personal development. It’s high time we embrace the power of this beautiful game and allow our children to reap its manifold benefits.

So, let's follow the Armenians' example and instil the love for chess in our children. Let's allow our kids to navigate the 64 squares, so they can conquer the world.


[1] "8 Critical Thinking Skills Kids Learn at Chess Camp", Whitby School, Retrieved from

[2] "Should every child be made to play chess?", BBC News, Retrieved from


Chess: A Timeless Game for the Aging Mind | Chess for kids

 Chess: A Timeless Game for the Aging Mind | Chess for kids

"Age is something that doesn't matter unless you are a cheese." - Luis Bunuel

Viswanathan Anand as kid and senior

In the midst of technological advancements and constant change, one ancient game has endured, outlasting fleeting trends and managing to captivate both young and old minds alike. This game is chess, a classic embodiment of strategy, foresight, and wit. For older adults, chess is not merely a pastime but a tool of remarkable potential for cognitive health, mental wellness, and social connectedness.

Despite its veneer of simplicity, chess is an intricate dance between the pieces on the 64 square board. It is a game where victory and defeat hang in the balance of a single decision, echoing life's delicate, unpredictable dance. For the aging, it offers a unique blend of cognitive stimulation and meaningful engagement.

Viswanathan Anand as kid and senior

In this article, we delve into the enchanting world of chess, highlighting its benefits for older adults and revealing why we need to ensure the game is part of our golden years.

A Game of Strategy and Wisdom: Chess as a Cognitive Enhancer

Scientific research has confirmed the age-old belief that engaging in cognitive activities can help maintain cognitive function as we age. And when it comes to cognitive stimulation, few activities are as potent as chess.

Cognitive Health: Research has demonstrated that activities like chess can stimulate brain function, improve memory, enhance concentration, and promote logical thinking, all of which can delay the onset and slow the progression of cognitive disorders like Alzheimer's and dementia 1. The process of predicting an opponent's moves, planning strategies, and adapting to changing circumstances can act as a mental workout, keeping the brain active and engaged.

Magnus Carlsen as kid and senior

Brain Plasticity: Even in old age, the brain is capable of plasticity, a fancy term for the ability to form new neural connections. Engaging in cognitively challenging activities like chess promotes this plasticity, leading to improved cognitive function 2.

Memory Retention: Remembering the rules of chess, the unique moves of each piece, and previous matches can act as a form of memory training. A study found that individuals who engaged in mentally stimulating activities had a slower memory decline compared to those who did not 3.

Chess: A Game of Connections

Beyond cognitive benefits, chess also offers social benefits. As a game, chess bridges the gap between individuals, creating a common platform for interaction and connection.

Viswanathan Anand as kid and senior

Social Interaction: Chess clubs offer a wonderful platform for older adults to interact and connect, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation. Being socially active is linked to a lower risk for mental health issues and better overall wellbeing 4.

Intergenerational Connections: Chess provides an opportunity for intergenerational connections, allowing older adults to play and engage with younger individuals. Such interactions can offer psychological benefits and contribute to the overall happiness and satisfaction in life 5.

Magnus Carlsen as kid and senior

An Ageless Game of Life

Life is unpredictable, a challenging game of choices and consequences. So is chess. And for older adults, chess can mirror life, encouraging them to strategize, to remember, to adapt, and to face their challenges with courage and grace.

Age may be inevitable, but cognitive decline is not. Chess, with its intricate moves and countless strategies, serves as a lifeline, keeping minds sharp, souls engaged, and hearts connected. So let's dust off the old chessboards and embrace the game that transcends the barriers of age, fostering an ageless mind amid the relentless march of time.


[1] "Leisure Activities and the Risk of Dementia in the Elderly", NEJM, Retrieved from

[2] "Experience-dependent plasticity in white matter microstructure: Reasoning training alters structural connectivity", Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, Retrieved from

[3] "Mental stimulation and Alzheimer's Disease: A Quantitative Synthesis", The Journal of Aging Research, Retrieved from

[4] "Social Relationships and Depression: Ten-Year Follow-Up from a Nationally Representative Study", PLOS ONE, Retrieved from

[5] "Benefits of Social Activities for Aging Adults", Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, Retrieved from


The Power of the Windmill: Supercharge Your Chess Game | Chess for Kids

The Power of the Windmill: Supercharge Your Chess Game | Chess for Kids

The Power of the Windmill: Supercharge Your Chess Game

Welcome, chess lovers, to another fun-filled adventure on the 64 squares! Today, we take a deep dive into an exciting chess tactic that can dramatically turn the tide of your game - the Windmill.

"The beauty of chess is it can be whatever you want it to be. It transcends language, age, race, religion, politics, gender, and socioeconomic background. Whatever your circumstances, anyone can enjoy a good fight to the death over the chess board," says Demis Hassabis, the co-founder of DeepMind. (Include image of Demis Hassabis)

Indeed, chess is for everyone, and every player - young or old, beginner or expert - can enjoy and learn from the grand dance of the chess pieces. Chess teaches us how to strategize, how to anticipate, how to be patient, and how to problem-solve.

At Chess for Kids, we believe in fostering a love for the game and nurturing the potential chess prodigy within every child. Our chess lessons are designed to be interactive, fun, and comprehensive, covering everything from the fundamentals of chess moves and chess pieces to advanced chess strategies and tactics. (Include image of a child playing chess)

In today's post, we're shining the spotlight on one such advanced tactic - the Windmill. The Windmill is a powerful chess tactic, and understanding it can significantly improve your chess gameplay and take you a step closer to achieving chess mastery.

Understanding the Windmill

The Windmill is a series of checks and attacks that can lead to substantial material gain or even checkmate. This tactic is named for its resemblance to the revolving blades of a windmill - the pieces involved in the Windmill take turns to strike, much like the blades of a windmill rotating. (Include image or GIF illustrating the Windmill tactic)

Let's take a famous example of the Windmill tactic from a game played by former World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov. In this game, Kasparov masterfully uses the Windmill tactic to decimate his opponent's position. (Include link to the game or an image of the position)

Deploying the Windmill

Throughout this post, we hope you have understood the immense power of the Windmill tactic and how it can supercharge your chess game. But remember, the journey of chess mastery is a marathon, not a sprint. Patience, perseverance, and consistent practice are the keys to improvement.

"No matter how much you learn and improve, there's always someone out there who can teach you something new," says chess prodigy Magnus Carlsen. So, keep playing, keep learning, and keep the spirit of chess alive! (Include image of Magnus Carlsen)

Remember, every chess game is an opportunity to learn and grow. As you train and master more chess strategies and tactics, you're not just improving your chess game; you're also developing important life skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, and strategic thinking.

Chess for Kids is here to support you on this incredible journey. Together, let's uncover the secrets of the 64 squares and unlock your inner chess prodigy! (Include link to Chess for Kids YouTube


Chess Decoy: Unlocking Your Hidden Chess Skills | Chess for kids

Chess Decoy: Unlocking Your Hidden Chess Skills | Chess for kids 

Welcome to yet another engrossing journey through the captivating world of chess. Today, we will unlock the secret to a powerful chess tactic - the "Decoy". Chess, like life, is all about the art of decision making. Every move you make on the chessboard could spell victory or defeat. The difference lies in understanding and employing effective strategies like the Decoy, that make chess not just a game, but a tale of tactics, strategy, and ingenuity.

Chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov once said, "Chess is mental torture." It requires strategic thinking, foresight, and tactical understanding. But don't let this quote intimidate you! Chess is an exhilarating mental adventure, a test of our analytical abilities, a sport of the mind, and with the right guidance, anyone can master it.

Let's begin our journey by understanding what the Decoy tactic is all about.

Understanding the Decoy Tactic

The Decoy is a chess tactic that draws an opponent's piece into an unfavorable position, potentially leading to a significant advantage for the player employing the strategy. It's like a plot twist in a gripping novel, turning the tables when least expected. A successfully executed decoy can dramatically alter the balance of the game, leaving your opponent in a challenging position.

But how does one identify a decoy opportunity? And more importantly, how do we execute it successfully? Here, in this blog, and in our accompanying video (insert video link), we'll break down this fascinating tactic into simple, easy-to-understand concepts.

Now, let's delve into the specifics of using a Decoy tactic in your games.

Explain the decoy tactic in detail with examples, providing screenshots from notable games and steps on how to execute it.

Improving Your Chess Gameplay

As World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen says, "Some people think that if their opponent plays a beautiful game, it's okay to lose. I don't. You have to be merciless." Developing and improving your chess gameplay is about being strategic, learning from your games, and being relentless in your pursuit of mastery.

Incorporating tactics like Decoy into your chess arsenal is a crucial step in this direction. But remember, understanding the decoy tactic is not just about playing a move; it's about improving your chess logic, fostering your chess brainpower, and cultivating a winning mindset.

Include a section on tips for improving chess gameplay, incorporating quotes and tips from Grandmasters, and providing links to resources for further reading.

Motivation and Chess Mastery

Chess is a journey of constant learning and improvement. But what fuels this journey? What drives us to sit in front of the chessboard, pondering over our next move? The answer is simple: Motivation.

Chess Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand once said, "I don't believe in psychology. I believe in good moves." But it's the motivation to make good moves, the burning desire to improve and win that pushes us to reach new heights in our chess journey. So here, let's explore some ways to stay motivated on our path to chess mastery.

Write a section on motivation, incorporating motivational speeches or quotes from Grandmasters, and providing images and stories that inspire.

In Conclusion

Decoying is a powerful chess tactic that can enhance your gameplay significantly. The mastery of such tactics, coupled with consistent practice and an unquenchable thirst for learning, can transform you into the Chess Prodigy you aspire to be.

Chess is a game of infinite possibilities, a journey of strategy, learning, and fun. So keep learning, keep practicing, and remember - every game


Deflection Tactics: A Secret Weapon in Chess | Chess for Kids

 Deflection Tactics: A Secret Weapon in Chess | Chess for Kids

"Chess is life in miniature. Chess is struggle, chess is battles." - Garry Kasparov, Russian Chess Grandmaster.

Welcome to an exciting world where pawns become queens, and knights become heroes. This is chess, the timeless game of strategy and intellect. Today, we explore an often-overlooked but powerful tactic in chess – deflection.

Chapter 1: Understanding the Power of Deflection

A deflection in chess is a tactical ploy aimed at luring a piece away from a vital square or duty. Imagine your opponent's king guarded by a mighty queen. Now, what if you could distract this queen, lure it away, and strike directly at the king? That's deflection! It's a weapon of surprise, a secret tool to create opportunities where none appear to exist.

As the great Bobby Fischer, a Chess Prodigy himself, once said, "Tactics flow from a superior position." Deflection is such a tactic that emerges from a deep understanding of your position on the board.

Chapter 2: The Art and Science of Deflection

Deflection is a blend of art and science. It requires precise calculations, an understanding of your opponent's pieces, and a touch of creativity. From breaking up pawn structures to setting up checkmate patterns, deflection serves multiple purposes in the game.

To quote the legendary chess player Mikhail Tal, "You must take your opponent into a deep, dark forest where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one." Deflection is that path that leads your opponent into confusion, allowing you to seize the opportunity.

Chapter 3: Mastering Deflection with Examples

In this chapter, we will break down some of the most classic deflection tactics in chess history. From Paul Morphy's brilliant deflections to Kasparov's stunning moves, we'll walk you through these games, step by step.

Chapter 4: Practical Applications of Deflection

While it's one thing to appreciate great deflection moves in legendary games, it's another to apply them in your own games. In this section, we will discuss practical tips and exercises to help you practice and improve your deflection tactics.

Remember the famous quote by Bruce Lee, "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times." Consistent practice is the key to mastering any chess tactic.

Chapter 5: Beyond the Board: Life Lessons from Chess

Chess, at its core, is more than just a game. It's a metaphor for life. The tactics you learn, such as deflection, can be applied beyond the 64 squares. Just as you might use a deflection to gain an advantage on the board, you can use the same concept to tackle obstacles in your life.

"Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make men happy," noted Siegbert Tarrasch, a German chess master. In learning chess, we find joy, intellectual stimulation, and life lessons that enrich us.

Conclusion: Join the Chess Journey

At Chess for Kids, we believe that every child can become a chess prodigy. All it takes is a touch of curiosity, a love for learning, and the right guidance. We provide that guidance, transforming complex chess concepts into simple, engaging lessons.

Join us today and take your first step towards chess mastery. With every pawn you move, with every piece you capture, you'll be forging your path in this beautiful game. Who knows, you might even discover your own secret weapon in chess!

Happy checkmating!


Checkmate in Style: Back Rank Mate Explored | Chess for Kids

Checkmate in Style: Back Rank Mate Explored | Chess for Kids


Every chess player, whether a budding chesskid or a seasoned grandmaster, knows that the heart of the game lies not just in the pieces, but in the strategies they execute. One such powerful chess tactic that has turned many games around is the Back Rank Mate. Today, we delve into this brilliant tactic, which has been a game-changer in countless matches, and could well be a key to unlock your potential as a chess prodigy.

As the legendary chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov once said, “Chess is mental torture, but it is a war over the board that ends up as art.” This art is vividly displayed in the Back Rank Mate.

Back Rank Mate - The Concept:

In chess, each piece moves in its unique way, with its own strengths and weaknesses. One of the most exciting endgames in chess is the Back Rank Mate. This is a chess tactic where the opponent's king, trapped by his own pieces, gets checkmated by a rook or queen along the back rank. To effectively employ the Back Rank Mate, it is crucial to understand its working and the strategic opportunities it presents.

Understanding the Back Rank Mate - A Detailed Explanation:

Mikhail Tal, the eighth World Chess Champion, famous for his aggressive playing style, once said, "You must take your opponent into a deep dark forest where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one." In the game of chess, understanding strategies like the Back Rank Mate is akin to navigating this deep, dark forest. It's about planning your moves, anticipating your opponent's responses, and striking when the time is right.

Empowering Young Minds to Master the Back Rank Mate:

Chess, much like life, isn't just about the strength of your pieces. It's about the power of your strategies. And what could be a more rewarding strategy than a beautifully executed Back Rank Mate? It's a tactic that teaches you patience, prediction, and the joy of well-planned victory.

Famous Games Featuring the Back Rank Mate:

In the history of chess, there have been several notable games where grandmasters have used the Back Rank Mate to turn the tide in their favor. Exploring these games can provide significant insights into the practical application of this tactic.


The Back Rank Mate is a powerful tactic, a jewel in the crown of chess strategies. It's a skill that can add depth to your game, providing a strategic advantage when leveraged correctly. The road to chess mastery lies in the understanding and effective execution of such strategies.

In the end, we all play chess for the joy it brings. Whether it's the thrill of a well-executed move or the satisfaction of learning a new strategy, chess is a journey of discovery, one move at a time.

Happy playing, and remember, in chess, as in life, it's always about the journey and not just the destination. 


Cross Check: The Chess Tactic Your Game Needs

 Cross Check: The Chess Tactic Your Game Needs

"Chess is a sea in which a gnat may drink and an elephant may bathe" – Indian proverb.

Every game of chess is like a new challenge, a new problem to be solved, and it offers lessons that go beyond the 64 squares of the chessboard. Today, we are going to dive deep into the fascinating tactic of the 'Cross Check'. A tactical weapon that is as elegant as it is deadly, a skill that can truly enhance your chess game.

Chess is not just about moving the pieces around. It's a complex mind sport that demands strategic planning, tactical understanding, and a sharp intuition. Among these, tactics play a crucial role as they often decide the outcome of the game.

But first, let’s start with an inspiring quote from Albert Einstein, "You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." This encapsulates the journey of chess mastery.

Understanding the Cross Check

Imagine you are in the middle of a game, and you are given a chance to both give a check and simultaneously evade a check. That's cross check for you. The ability to identify cross check situations and execute them correctly could dramatically change the dynamic of the game. It is a complex yet intriguing element of chess that often leads to exciting, sharp positions.

For beginners, it might appear a bit complicated, but like every grand strategy, the concept of cross check becomes clearer with practice. Once you have mastered it, you will start seeing opportunities to deploy this powerful tactic in your games.

The Power of the Cross Check

Why is cross check such a potent weapon in your chess arsenal? To understand this, let's look at a quote from former World Chess Champion, Garry Kasparov, "Chess is a war over the board. The object is to crush the opponent's mind." Cross check is one such weapon that can help you outwit and outmaneuver your opponent.

By applying a cross check, you not only remove your king from the threat of check but also put your opponent’s king in check. This shifts the momentum of the game and may catch your opponent off guard.

To see how powerful and surprising this tactic can be, take a look at some of the greatest games in chess history where the cross check has played a significant role.

The Art of Chess Mastery

Remember, becoming good at chess requires time, patience, and practice. Chess prodigies like Magnus Carlsen, Viswanathan Anand, and Bobby Fischer have all spent countless hours studying the game, analyzing their games, and constantly learning.

To master the cross check, practice is key. Work on chess problems and puzzles that involve this tactic. Play games and try to set up situations where you can use it. Over time, you will gain a better understanding of when and how to use the cross check to your advantage.

Chess is not just about winning, but about self-improvement and learning. "I don't believe in psychology. I believe in good moves," said Bobby Fischer, emphasizing the importance of improving your skills and understanding of the game.

Empowering Through Chess Education

At Chess for Kids, we are committed to providing you with comprehensive and engaging lessons that help you understand the intricacies of chess. With each video and blog post, we take a step further into the realm of chess, unveiling the secrets of the game one at a time.

Chess is a game that offers immense benefits to kids. It improves concentration, enhances problem-solving skills, fosters creativity, and teaches the value of planning and foresight. We believe that every child


Practice Tactics

Welcome to Chess-for-kids (chess for kids)
