Chess For Kids

chess for kids

Chess is possibly the most seen tabletop game - ever. It has been by and large revered and played across the world for a seriously lengthy timespan, and has stirred one of the most notable Netflix series' lately: The Queen's Gambit.

🏇 Praggnanandhaa vs Magnus Carlsen, Chess World Cup 2023 Final | Chess for kids

All Square in Baku: Praggnanandhaa and Carlsen Begin World Cup 2023 Final with a Draw!

INTERACTIVE: Dive into the step-by-step gameplay of the final's first game between Praggnanandhaa and Magnus Carlsen below

Ladies and Gentle-pawns, gather 'round as we witness an epic saga unfold in the shimmering city of Baku! Here, amidst the dusty sands and ancient stories, two legendary titans - Praggnanandhaa from the Land of Spices and Baron Carlsen of the Norwegian Fjords - lock horns in a mighty duel!

🎵 Cue intense, yet somehow funny music 🎵

On the white side of the board, Praggnanandhaa, our charming young sorcerer with a rating of 2690, made his first spell with 1. c4, conjuring... a pawn?! On the opposite end, the wily Magnus, cloaked in dark mysteries and a rating of 2835, replied with the ever so fierce... e5. 🎭

As knights rode and bishops slid, the board resembled a grand ballroom where pieces danced to a tune only these grandmasters could hear. 🕺💃

Suddenly! The young magician, Pragg, pulled a trick out of his hat with 7. b4! Was it a bunny? Nope! It was a pawn gambit! Magnus, always one for theatrics, played along, advancing his knight into white's territory.

But wait, what's this? A Queen's entrance! With a flourish of her royal cape, the White Queen strolled to a4, only to find herself face-to-face with a rebelling knight leading to an exchange! Such drama, such suspense! 🎥🍿

The game was like a roller-coaster, filled with twisty turns and unexpected plummets! Both kings seemed cozy in their castles while the rooks, knights, and bishops fought battles outside the walls.

Fast forward, and the scene was set for a climactic showdown. Carlsen's e-pawn, brimming with dreams of glory, charged ahead, turning the tides with a threatening e3. But, like any good story, just when you thought the protagonist was cornered, Pragg, with the finesse of a master strategist, deftly maneuvered his knight to tame the raging pawn.

The climax drew near. The rooks and pawns clashed, exchanging jabs, trying to outwit one another. But, in the end, even amidst the fun chaos and intense battles, these two gallant knights decided to call it a day with a respectful bow to each other, agreeing to a truce.

🥂 And thus, the tale ended in a draw, but the legend of their encounter will be sung about in taverns across the kingdoms for ages! 🏰🎤

🎉 Thanks for joining this fantastical journey through the 64 squares! If you want more of these hilarious insights, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe! 🎭👏🏼

🎖️ Youth Meets Mastery: India's Rising Star ✨ Outclasses Hikaru Nakamura, Securing a Spot in the Elite 16! | Chess for kids

 🎖️ Youth Meets Mastery: India's Rising Star ✨ Outclasses Hikaru Nakamura, Securing a Spot in the Elite 16!

🎩 The Magical World of Chess: Nakamura vs. 🇮🇳Praggnanandhaa 🎩

🎂 Birthday Brilliance:

Turning 18 is monumental in anyone's life. But for Praggnanandhaa, it was a day for the history books. Not only did he level with Nakamura on his birthday, but he also confidently stated to Michael Rahal, "I'm quite good in rapid". As if Harry Potter nonchalantly remarked, "I know a spell or two". 🧙‍♂️

Let's Jump into the Game:

c4 Nf6

The English Opening: as English as the Queen's tea and crumpets! 🍵

Nc3 e5 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. g3 Bb4 5. Nd5

Nakamura tries a tricky knight dance, probably attempting the tango. But Pragg isn’t interested in dancing.

Nh4 O-O 7. Bg2 d6 8. O-O

Classic castling! Like when a magician makes himself disappear behind the curtains.

8... g5!?

Whoa! Pragg doesn't just knock on the door. He's kicking it down! 🚪🦵

a3 (9. d4 was a safer bet)

”Safety first” - said no young chess prodigy ever.

9... Ba5!

Subtlety at its best! Pragg slides the bishop, whispering, "You should’ve seen this coming, Naka!" 😜


Knocking over his own sandcastle. Oops! Nakamura may be having one of those “Did I leave the oven on?” moments.

cxd5 Nb8

Retreating the knight? As Shakespeare quipped, "Sometimes you gotta go back to move forward." 🎭

dxe4 gxh4 13. Bh6 Re8

The stage is set! Fireworks, suspense, and a thrill a minute.

gxh4 Qxh4

The queen enters the spotlight. "It's my show now!" 🎤

Qc1 f6 16. Kh1 Nd7 17. Bf4 Ne5 18. Bg3 Qh5

Pragg's queen behaves like a bee, buzzing and threatening. Nakamura is swatting away, but how long before he's stung? 🐝

Rg1 Ng6 20. f4 Bb6 21. e3 Kf7

Safe as houses! The black king finds solace, while pandemonium is the order of the day elsewhere.

e5 dxe5 23. fxe5 Nxe5 24. Qc3 Bh3

The board heats up, and one could practically cook an egg on it! 🍳

Raf1 Bxg2+ 26. Rxg2 Ng4

Knights hopping, bishops slashing; this isn’t just a game, it’s a medieval carnival! 🏰

d6 cxd6 28. Qb3+ d5 29. Qa4 Re4 30. Qd1 Bxe3

Nakamura's rook duo look on helplessly. “Are we just spectators?” they seem to ask.

a4 Rae8 32. Qb3 b6 33. Qb5?

In a bid for relevance, Nakamura’s queen hops to the wrong square. Too many pies on Pi day?

33... Bd4

With this masterstroke, Pragg implies, "Checkmate looms!"


The seasoned wizard bows, acknowledging the young sorcerer’s might.

🎈 Final Thoughts: 🎈

In chess, as in life, the young sometimes teach the old a trick or two. This game was no different. Pragg's brilliance not only lit up the board but also reminded us of the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. On a day filled with knights and kings, it was indeed the young pawn’s moment to shine. Happy Birthday, Pragg, and here's to many more enchanting moves! 🎉🎊

Remember: Every pawn has the heart of a king, and every game is an epic tale. 💖👑

References: worldcup 2023 pgns

World cup live Live Games


🐘Brain Boosters: Dive into the Chess Puzzle Arena! | Chess for Kids

 Brain Boosters: Dive into the Chess Puzzle Arena! | Chess for Kids

"Life is more challenging than chess. In chess, we have defined rules. In life, we don’t." - Magnus Carlsen 🏆

The Odyssey of Chess Puzzles 🌌

In a galaxy not so far away, nestled between the realms of strategy and wit, lies the unparalleled universe of Chess Puzzles! A cosmos where every move leads to a new dimension and every game, a roller-coaster of emotions.

🎩 The Magical Hat of Chess: Once upon a time, a chessboard decided it had seen enough of regular games. It donned a magician’s hat and poof! Transformed its squares into riddles waiting to be unraveled.

"Every chess master was once a beginner." - Irving Chernev

The Chess Puzzle Arena 🏟️

Imagine being a gladiator, not in a ferocious den with lions but on a gentle board with 64 squares. The lions? They're the tricky puzzles that roar at you, waiting for the right move to tame them. This arena is not for the faint-hearted; it’s where chess prodigies are forged in the crucible of challenge! 🦁🔥

🕺 Chess & the Dance of Knights: Just as Charlie Chaplin danced his way into our hearts with his comedic acts, chess pieces dance on the board, each telling a hilarious story. Our knights often feel like jumping over to the next club for a quick dance, while bishops slide sneakily, photobombing the rooks!

"I don't believe in psychology. I believe in good moves." - Bobby Fischer

The Labyrinth of Laughter & Learnings 🎭

Dive deep into this maze, and you'll stumble upon not just complex chess moves, but chunks of humor. The pawns? They often dream of becoming comedians rather than queens! And the kings? They play hide and seek, often hiding behind their loyal subjects.

✨ Brain Boosters & Chess Whispers: Ancient scrolls tell tales of mystical chess boards that whispered secrets to those who dared to listen. In our world, those whispers are brain-boosting puzzles that nudge, wink, and often tickle our brains.

"Without error, there can be no brilliancy." - Emanuel Lasker

The Grand Finale: Unraveling the Enigma 🎉

To conquer the chess puzzle arena is to journey through a wonderland of intellect, strategy, and giggles. With every puzzle you crack, remember, as Albert Einstein said, "You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." So, dear chess enthusiast, here's your golden ticket to an adventure where knights prance, bishops sprint, and every checkmate comes with a chuckle!

Chess, in essence, is life in miniature. And just as in life, every stumble in chess teaches us to rise, stronger and wiser. So, let the games, the giggles, and the gambits begin! 🎖️👑

The story, quotes, and playful narrative in this blog are designed to appeal to young minds and the young at heart, making the art of chess both educative and entertaining. Remember, as the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!" But, in the world of chess, every move is play, every strategy a game, and every checkmate a celebration!

🎈 Cheers to the mesmerizing world of chess! 🎈


🕌The Enigmatic Art of Castling in Chess: Unraveling its Secrets and Mysteries

 The Enigmatic Art of Castling in Chess: Unraveling its Secrets and Mysteries

"Chess is everything: art, science, and sport." - Anatoly Karpov

The age-old game of chess, with its rich tapestry of history, strategies, and intricate maneuvers, holds in its grasp the ability to transform ordinary minds into calculative powerhouses. One such move, often shrouded in mystique, is castling. It's more than just a mere slide of the king and rook; it's a statement, a tactic, an emblematic act that resonates with the very essence of chess. 🏰

💡The Hidden Power of Castling

Castling is not just about safety; it's about opportunity. As the proverb goes, "Opportunity knocks but once." In the game of chess, castling is that knock – a chance to not only protect your king but also to connect your rooks. This singular move has the potential to turn the tables, making the difference between defeat and victory.

"The hardest game to win is a won game." - Emanuel Lasker

The journey of understanding castling's nuances parallels the complex journey of life itself. As with all things in life, it's the subtle details, the unspoken strategies that often have the most profound impacts. Castling, when timed right, can be your silent guardian, your subtle warrior, and your strategic ally.

💎Diving Deeper: The Legacy and Legends of Castling

Diving into the annals of chess history, castling has played a pivotal role in many a grandmaster's game, changing the very course of their battle. Robert James Fischer, the celebrated American Grandmaster, often remarked on the importance of this move in chess strategy and game dynamics.

"Chess is life in miniature. Chess is a struggle, chess battles." - Garry Kasparov

Through every game, through every strategy, the echoing sentiment is clear: to master chess, one must first understand and respect the power of castling. As the famous saying goes, "Knowledge is power." Knowing when to castle, how to castle, and why to castle can add an arsenal of strategies to a player's repertoire.

🌍 The Global Influence and Implication of Castling

Across the globe, from the sunlit halls of Spain's chess clubs to the bustling avenues of New York's chess parks, the whispers of castling strategies flutter about. Every culture, every nation, every player brings with them their unique interpretation and application of this move.

"Life is like a game of chess. To win, you have to make a move." - Allan Rufus

Every master, from Viswanathan Anand to Judit Polgar, has at one time or another, shed light on the art of castling. They emphasize the necessity of this move in shaping the middle game and setting the stage for the endgame.

📜 Unwritten Rules and the Soulful Symphony of Castling

While the rule books dictate the how-to's of castling, the soulful symphony of this move lies in its unwritten rules. The drama, the timing, the sheer brilliance of a well-timed castle is unparalleled.

"In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton

Through the labyrinth of chess strategies, where knights dance and bishops slide, the heartbeat of the game often pulses around the castled king. Like a conductor leading a grand orchestra, the king, post-castling, commands the board, setting the tone for a beautiful crescendo.

In Conclusion

Chess, in its entirety, is a game that mirrors life. Every move, every strategy, every piece holds a lesson, a story, a parable. Castling, with its allure and mystery, beckons players to delve deeper, to challenge norms, and to embrace the enigma that is chess.

"Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make people happy." - Siegbert Tarrasch

To the budding champions, the inquisitive learners, the passionate players, we at Chess for Kids urge you to embrace the dance of the pieces, the song of the strategies, and the poetry of the moves. Dive deep into the enchanting world of castling, and may your journey on the 64 squares be as illuminating as the game itself. 🌟


🕹️How to Memorize a Chess Board: Effective Strategies for "Chess for Kids" and Beyond

 How to Memorize a Chess Board: Effective Strategies for "Chess for Kids" and Beyond

Chess is a game of strategy, intuition, and calculation. But underlying all these elements is a foundational skill: board visualization. Especially when we consider "chess for kids", fostering this skill early on can be an invaluable asset. But why is it necessary, and how does one go about achieving it? In this blog post, we'll delve deep into the effective strategies to memorize a chessboard, ensuring that chess for kids becomes a delightful learning journey.

1. The Importance of Memorizing a Chessboard

Why is it Crucial, Especially in 'Chess for Kids'?

Enhances Visualization: The ability to visualize the board helps players, especially kids, to foresee moves ahead, strategize, and anticipate the opponent's moves.

Boosts Confidence: For children, knowing the board inside out can significantly increase their confidence in gameplay.

Foundational for Advanced Play: Advanced techniques like blindfold chess can only be executed if the player has a solid memory of the board.

2. Effective Strategies for Memorizing the Chessboard

Chunking the Board

Breaking It Down: Instead of overwhelming beginners, especially kids, with the entire 8x8 grid, break the board into smaller sections. Memorizing chunks can be more manageable and less daunting.

Focus on Quadrants: Divide the board into four quadrants and tackle one at a time. This method, particularly effective in "chess for kids" training, makes the task feel more achievable.

Board Visualization

Mind's Eye View: Encourage the child to close their eyes and visualize the board. Begin with the entire board, then zoom into specific squares, ranks, and files.

Chessboard Meditation: Dedicate a few minutes daily just for board visualization. This quiet reflection can cement the board's image in the mind, making "chess for kids" a meditative experience too.

Narrative Creation

Weave Stories: Use the chess pieces as characters and the board as a setting to weave engaging stories. For instance, "On c2, a brave knight embarked on a journey to rescue a queen trapped on f7." Such narratives make "chess for kids" a fun and memorable adventure.

Coordinate Drills

Interactive Learning: Turn the memorization process into a game. Call out a coordinate, and have the child point to the square. For kids, turning this into a competitive game can make the learning process fun.

Online Platforms: Use platforms designed specifically for "chess for kids" that offer coordinate drills. These platforms turn learning into an engaging experience.

3. Further Enhancements

Blindfold Training

The Ultimate Test: Once comfortable with the board, kids can be introduced to blindfold chess. This technique not only tests their memory but also hones their visualization skills.

Endgame Visualization

Simplify to Amplify: Begin with basic endgames. Visualizing simpler board scenarios can gradually build up a child's confidence to tackle more complex positions.

Regular Practice

Consistency is Key: The saying, "practice makes perfect," holds true, especially in "chess for kids". A regular routine ensures that the board's layout becomes second nature to the young player.

4. The Need for Memorizing a Chessboard in 'Chess for Kids'

Building a Strong Foundation

As we gear towards making "chess for kids" a widespread movement, it's vital to understand the importance of a strong foundation. Memorizing the chessboard isn't just about knowing where the squares are. It's about:

Strategic Development: A memorized board leads to better gameplay strategies.

Cognitive Enhancement: The process of memorization can enhance other cognitive skills in children, such as spatial awareness and problem-solving.

Boosting Memory: Regular practice can significantly improve a child's memory, aiding not just in chess but also in academic endeavors.


🎲A Deep Dive into the Tech Mahindra Global Chess League | Chess for Kids

🎲 Grandmaster's Arena: A Deep Dive into the Tech Mahindra Global Chess League | Chess for Kids

Hello Chess Enthusiasts! 💖

Welcome to our blog where we delve into the captivating world of the Tech Mahindra Global Chess League. This tournament has taken the chess world by storm, bringing together the crème de la crème of international chess talent. Let's embark on a journey through the tournament, exploring the format, teams, points, and scoreboard, and reliving the thrill of each game.

🏇The Tournament

The Tech Mahindra Global Chess League is a unique initiative that has transformed the traditional game of chess into a global spectacle. This tournament has successfully bridged the gap between the classic and the contemporary, making it a riveting experience for both players and spectators alike.

🌐The Format

The league follows an innovative format that keeps the excitement levels high. It's not just about winning or losing; it's about strategy, anticipation, and the sheer joy of playing the game. The teams battle it out in a series of rounds, each with its own set of rules and points system. This format ensures that every game is a nail-biter, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

⚔️The Teams

The league boasts a diverse array of teams, each bringing its unique flair to the game. From seasoned grandmasters to young prodigies, the teams are a blend of experience and fresh talent. Each team has its own strategy, playing style, and strengths, making the competition fierce and unpredictable.

♟️The Points and Scoreboard

The points system of the league is designed to reward not just victories but also strategic gameplay. Points are awarded based on various factors such as the number of pieces captured, the time taken, and the overall performance of the team. The scoreboard is a testament to the thrilling games and the exceptional talent of the players.

📅The Games

Each game in the Tech Mahindra Global Chess League is a story. The tension builds up right from the opening moves, reaching a crescendo in the middle game, and culminating in an often-dramatic endgame. The scoreboard for each game reflects the strategic depth, tactical brilliance, and the relentless pursuit of victory by the players.

🏁The Results and Commentary

The results of the games often spring surprises, underscoring the unpredictable nature of the game. Our commentary team does a fantastic job of breaking down the games, providing insightful analysis, and highlighting key moments. Their expert commentary adds another layer of enjoyment to the viewing experience.

🏆Fun Facts and Creativity

Did you know that the youngest player in the league is just 12 years old? Or that the oldest grandmaster still gives the youngsters a run for their money? The league is full of such fun facts and creative strategies that make it a truly unique event.

📝Empathy and Sportsmanship

While the competition is intense, the league is also a testament to the empathy and sportsmanship displayed by the players. Despite the high stakes, the players never lose sight of the fact that at the end of the day, it's just a game.

The Tech Mahindra Global Chess League is not just a tournament; it's a celebration of the game of chess. It brings together players from different backgrounds and age groups, united by their love for the game. So, whether you're a chess enthusiast or a casual viewer, join us in this exciting journey and experience the magic of chess like never before!

Stay tuned for more updates, game analyses, and behind-the-scenes stories from the Tech Mahindra Global Chess League. Checkmate!

🎯The Chessboard Chronicles: Unveiling the Squads of Tech Mahindra Global Chess League

As the hands of time inch closer to the grand unveiling of the Tech Mahindra Global Chess League, the anticipation is palpable. In a mere seven days, the chessboard will become the battlefield where six formidable teams will engage in a double round-robin duel of wits and strategy.

Each team, a harmonious blend of six members, will feature an icon, two male and female players each, and a prodigy, all set to make their mark in each round. The 'Icons' gracing this event are none other than Vishy Anand, Magnus Carlsen, Ding Liren, Jan-Krzysztof Duda, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, and Ian Nepomniachtchi. Alongside them, 26 'Superstars' and six 'Prodigies' will also be part of this inaugural edition, adding to the grandeur of the event.

The six franchise teams ready to clash in this chess extravaganza are the Balan Alaskan Knights, Chingari Gulf Titans, Ganges Grandmasters, SG Alpine Warriors, Triveni Continental Kings, and Upgrad Mumba Masters. The suspense will reach its peak on 21st June with the Draw of Lots, followed by the first match on Thursday, 22nd June 2023. The question on everyone's mind is - which team will emerge victorious?

The Tech Mahindra Global Chess League, a 12-day spectacle, will commence on 21st June 2023 and conclude on 2nd July 2023. The teams will vie for the top spot in a double round-robin tournament held in the dazzling city of Dubai, with a total prize pool of a whopping $1,000,000.

The teams, each a microcosm of talent, consist of six players. Each team has one icon (board 1), two male players (boards 2 and 3), two female players (boards 4 and 5), and a junior (board 6). They will compete on six boards against another team simultaneously, with all players from the same team playing with the same colour in a match.

The scoring system of the league is designed to keep the fans on their toes. Game Points (GP) are awarded based on the colour of the pieces and the outcome of the game, while Match Points (MP) are awarded based on the total GP scored by the team. The two teams with the most MP qualify for the Final, which is a best-of-2 match. If tied, a blitz playoff shall take place.

The time control is 15 minutes with a 10-second increment beginning from move one. The players cannot draw a game by agreement before 30 moves each have been made.

In the words of Arkady Dvorkovich, the FIDE President, “Global Chess League is a truly unique tournament. The scoring system and the schedule has been designed in a manner that gives the fans an exciting experience and keeps them glued to their screens. We are looking forward to 10 days of exciting matches in Dubai.”

As the tournament unfolds, the scoreboard tells a tale of its own. Triveni Continental Kings joined the top two squads on 15 match points at the Tech Mahindra Global Chess League on Friday. On a day which saw the favourites and tournament leaders suffer stunning defeats, Kings, which had a challenging start to the league and had to replace a player mid-league, managed to rise to the top.

The chessboard is set, the pieces are moving, and the Tech Mahindra Global Chess League is ready to make its mark in the annals of chess history. Stay tuned for more updates awe delve deeper into this grand spectacle of strategy and intellect.



Team Name

Matches Played

Matches Won

Matches Lost

Matches Drawn

Game Points

Match Points


Triveni Continental Kings








UpGrad Mumba Masters








Ganges Grandmasters








SG Alpine Warriors








Chingari Gulf Titans








Balan Alaskan Knights









♟️Stepping onto the Battlefield: Your Ultimate Guide to Chess Tournaments | Chess for Kids 🏆

 🏇 Stepping onto the Battlefield: Your Ultimate Guide to Chess Tournaments 🏆

🎯 Introduction

Welcome, Chess Warriors! As a chess enthusiast, there's a high probability that you've dreamt about making your mark in a real chess tournament. Whether it's FIDE, AICF, State, District, or even Arena events, there's an adrenaline rush to stepping up, sitting down, and squaring off against a worthy adversary over the chequered battlefield.

Today, we're here to guide you through the world of chess tournaments, different types of competitions, their rating systems, and much more. So grab your virtual knight, hop on, and ride with us through this journey. 🏇

📚 Chess Tournaments - The Different Types

Before we venture further, let's understand the types of tournaments you can participate in. Each tournament category has a unique aura and challenges, so get ready to find your perfect match!

🌐 FIDE Tournaments

FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs) or World Chess Federation hosts international tournaments with participants from all corners of the world. These events are the epitome of chess mastery, often featuring the grandmasters of the game. FIDE tournaments follow universal rules and have a global rating system. It's where the big guns duel!

🇮🇳 AICF and National Tournaments

The All India Chess Federation (AICF) organizes national tournaments across India. These competitions often serve as gateways to international events. If you are in the U.S. or the U.K., look out for the US Chess Federation (USCF) and English Chess Federation (ECF) tournaments, respectively.

🏛️ State and District Tournaments

Closer to home, we have state and district-level tournaments. These events are stepping stones towards bigger platforms. Victories in these tournaments will raise your state and district ratings, paving the way to national recognition.

⚔️ Arena Tournaments

For the tech-savvy warriors who prefer the virtual battlefield, arena tournaments are online events where you can battle opponents across the globe right from your home!

Understanding Ratings and Rankings

In the world of chess, your prowess is often represented by a numerical value - your rating. FIDE, USCF, ECF, AICF, and many others use rating systems to rank players based on their performance against other players.

Here's a rough classification of ratings (for FIDE):

1200-1400: A player in this rating range is a beginner who knows the rules and basic strategy.

1400-1600: This player has developed an understanding of tactics, openings, endgames, and can start to recognize patterns.

1600-1800: These players have begun studying chess seriously and show a deeper understanding of strategy and tactics.

1800-2000: A strong club player who has the potential to become a candidate master.

2000-2200: This player has achieved the rank of a candidate master/expert.

2200-2300: This is the rating range of FIDE masters (FM).

2300-2400: Players in this range are usually International Masters (IM).

2400 and above: The grandmasters (GM) and potential world champions!

📅 Your Chess Tournament Calendar

Keeping track of the upcoming chess tournaments is now just a click away. Here's a curated list of upcoming events:

(Note: This table will be continuously updated as per the latest announcements by respective chess federations)

🎮 Digital Battlegrounds: Online Chess Platforms

The digital age has not just revolutionized how we communicate, shop, or entertain ourselves, but also how we play and learn chess. The comfort of your home can become the next chess battlefield as we dive into some popular online chess platforms.


Lichess is a free, open-source platform loved by chess enthusiasts around the globe. With a variety of game modes including blitz, bullet, classical, and correspondence games, and its own arena tournaments, Lichess is a complete package for anyone looking to play, learn, or compete.


No list of online chess platforms would be complete without This platform not only offers a wide spectrum of game modes and tournaments but also boasts a vast library of learning resources, making it an excellent platform for both novices and pros.

🌐 Global Chess League

Global Chess League is a wonderful platform that brings an exciting blend of traditional chess and the modern-day league format. It’s not just about individual skills but also about teamwork and strategy, making the tournaments even more intriguing.

🌐 ChessKid

Focused on making chess an enjoyable journey for kids, ChessKid offers a safe and engaging platform for young chess enthusiasts to learn, play, and grow. They organize several tournaments specifically designed for kids.

🌐 FIDE Online Arena

This is the official platform by FIDE for online chess. Here you can play rated games and even achieve official FIDE online ratings. They conduct numerous tournaments, including World Championship events.

📅 Your Digital Chess Tournament Calendar

In addition to the physical tournaments, there are numerous online tournaments happening across these platforms. Here's a curated list of some upcoming online events:

(Note: This table will be continuously updated as per the latest announcements by the respective platforms)

From traditional to online, there are tournaments available for every type of chess player out there. As chess enthusiasts, we are indeed living in exciting times!

🥇 Marching Forward

Now that you're armed with all this knowledge, it's time to make your move! Choose your tournament, start preparing, and remember - every master was once a beginner. So don't fret over initial losses. Instead, treat them as learning experiences.

In the words of the legendary chess Grandmaster Savielly Tartakower, "Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake." So stay focused, keep learning, and you're sure to taste victory soon.

Checkmate, and see you on the battlefield! 🚩


Practice Tactics

Welcome to Chess-for-kids (chess for kids)
