Chess For Kids

chess for kids

Chess is possibly the most seen tabletop game - ever. It has been by and large revered and played across the world for a seriously lengthy timespan, and has stirred one of the most notable Netflix series' lately: The Queen's Gambit.

Deep Dive into the Opening Phase: A Specialized Roadmap to 2000+ ELO | Chess for Kids

How to Perfect the Opening Phase: An Expert's Guide to Climbing to 2000+ ELO

  1. A Strategic Plan to Study Chess: Your Roadmap from 1500 to 2000+ ELO
  2. A Strategic Plan to Study Chess: Expanded Edition with PGNs, Tools, and Resources
  3. Deep Dive into the Opening Phase: A Specialized Roadmap to 2000+ ELO
  4. Mastering the Middlegame: Your Guide to a 2000+ ELO
  5. Conquering the Endgame: A Comprehensive Guide
  6. A Guide to Tactics and Strategy: Elevate Your Game
  7. Other Aspects of the Game


Opening preparation is the cornerstone of a chess player's development. Properly equipped, you can navigate the opening phase to achieve better positions, reduce blunders, and set up tactical or strategic opportunities. Let's delve into a meticulous plan for mastering openings.

Step 1: Choose Your Weapons

Before studying specific openings, you should decide on an opening repertoire that suits your style—be it tactical, positional, or a mix of both.


  • For tactical players: Sicilian Defense for Black, King's Gambit for White
  • For positional players: Caro-Kann for Black, Queen's Pawn (d4) openings for White

Step 2: Understand the Basic Ideas

Learning the moves is not enough. You need to grasp the fundamental ideas behind the opening.

Book Reference

  • "Ruy Lopez: Move by Move" by Neil McDonald for White
  • "Opening Repertoire: The Caro-Kann" by Jovanka Houska for Black


  • ChessBase's annotated databases
  • The Opening Explorer feature on

PGN Reference for Understanding Ideas

This game shows the basic ideas behind the Ruy Lopez.

Step 3: Deep Dive into Variations

After understanding the core ideas, explore different variations.

Book Reference

  • "Sicilian Defence: Move by Move" by Cyrus Lakdawala for Black
  • "d4: Move by Move" by Cyrus Lakdawala for White

PGN Reference for Deep Dive

This game dives deep into a variation of the Ruy Lopez.

Step 4: Memorization Techniques

To remember the key moves and positions, use spaced repetition and pattern recognition techniques.


  • Chess Position Trainer
  • Anki flashcards tailored for chess

Step 5: Practice, Practice, Practice

Play online or OTB (Over-The-Board) games focusing on your chosen openings. Analyze your games to see if you managed to correctly apply your opening knowledge.


  • or for online games
  • Stockfish for post-game analysis

Step 6: Update and Refine

The opening theory is always evolving. Keep yourself updated with new games, novelties, and lines.


  • Follow top-level tournaments and games via The Week in Chess (TWIC)
  • Use OpeningTree to keep track of the latest trends in your openings

Step 7: Get Feedback

Consult more experienced players or coaches to review your opening repertoire and games.


  • Online chess forums like
  •'s Lessons and coach directory

Step 8: Master Traps and Tactics

Every opening has traps that you can use to your advantage or must avoid.

Book Reference

  • "Chess Opening Traps for Kids" by Graham Burgess
  • "The Complete Chess Swindler" by David Smerdon


  • Chess Tempo’s Custom Problem Sets to focus on opening traps


Mastering openings is a journey that pays off in improved results and greater understanding of chess as a whole. This focused plan will assist you in transitioning from 1500 to 2000+ ELO by strengthening one of the most crucial phases of the game. It takes time and effort, but the fruits of your labor will be evident on the board.



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